Guy Takes ’96 F-150 Rallycrossing

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Guy Takes '96 F-150 Rallycrossing
It’s always fun to see cars and trucks doing things out of the ordinary. Like old Benzes doing burnouts, and crossovers racing Porsches. This 1996 F-150 rallycrossing isn’t quite as out there as those other two, but it’s still not something we’d expect. Hauling tools as a work truck? Towing things? Sure. Getting sideways in the muck? That’s a little bit different. And by the looks of it, fun.

And really, why not? Getting out there and having fun doesn’t require a Raptor. Heck, I’d even argue that a older truck is better for a few reasons.

Reason 1: It’s old!

So what if it breaks? There’s no warranty anyway. Besides that it’s an old Ford truck. Short of an end of the world scenario, it’s probably going to be fine any way. And when it does break, parts are (relatively) cheap anyway.

Reason 2: It can!

Look. It would be one thing if we were saying it’s a good idea to take your mom’s Taurus out into the wild brown yonder. But this is a truck with all-wheel drive, torque, and tires to sling itself around without getting stuck. I’m not sure the same logic would apply to auto-crossing, though it wouldn’t be the first time and F-150 has been out there crushing cones. In the dirt, though? That’s a match made in heaven.

Reason 3: A filthy truck is a fun truck.

There’s something to be said for a truck that’s covered in dirt. It’s like the automotive equivalent of a ticket stub. It says “Yeah. I’ve been busy.” Now, there’s no problem with having a clean ride and there’s no excuse for not taking care of your possessions. But after slinging it around a dirt track I feel like that mud is a badge of honor.

Reason 4: Rallycross will make you a better driver.

Much in the same way that auto-crossing will. The difference here is that instead of having the safety of grippy pavement, you have the relative uncertainty of wet dirt. In short you’ll be more familiar with what’ll happen in your truck when you push it too hard. This is probably more relevant for race drivers, but hey. You’ll be grateful when you goose the throttle a little too much in the rain.

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