Super Jerk in a Super Duty Spins Out

Super Jerk in a Super Duty Spins Out

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Say you’re driving along and someone does something that you don’t like. The safe and mature reaction is to make obscene gestures while swearing loudly about the offending driver’s mother, father, close relatives, extended family, in-laws, divorcees, and their dog. What isn’t cool, is tailgating that person in wet weather and actually driving like an enraged psycopath. Not just for the sake of the persons on the road, but for yourself. Mad driving is bad driving.

Below is a great example of that little axiom playing out in real life. The road is slick with rain, a guy in a F250 gets offended by the woman with the camera, he tries to pass and… Well, the rest is history. His truck is definitely history.

Remember this video the next time some slowpoke in makes you mad. Sometimes getting even is just not worth it.

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