Top Five Incredibly Muddy Fords

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Top Five Incredibly Muddy Fords
Lets face it: getting dirty is fun. A dirty truck simultaneously shows that you’re not just driving a garage queen and that you’re not afraid to get a bit filthy. In honor of the trucks that aren’t afraid, we put together this list of some of our favorite dirty truck videos on YouTube. Some get stuck, some don’t, but in the end they all get dirty.

 5. Where We’re Going Who Needs Roads?

Playing in the mud is fun. Taking a truck into a dirty wet bog tickles the same part of the brain a kid feels when they splash through a puddle. Take this video for instance. Was there an easier way to get across that space? Obviously yes. But would they have let him throw up huge plumes of dirt? No, but that’s why those paths are boring.

4. Nothing a Friend Can’t Fix

Normally when it comes to mudders, the preffered style of truck is something a little bit bigger than an F-150. Still, that doesn’t mean the F-150 should stay on the sidelines. This guy is proof. Even though he actually gets stuck, his truck is still an awesome mud crawling swamp monster. He’s smart enough to have a buddy with an even bigger truck to help him out. Massive torque and muddyness ahead.

3. What’s Age Got To Do With It?

We’ve got to give this guy credit. The sheer enthusiasm that he attacks that mud pit puts smile on our face. Bonus points for driving an older truck. Not only is it likely less stressful to take an ’79 into the dirt than an ’09, but it’s probably also a lot more fun. And by “fun” I mean “risky”. By any measure the camera guy is right, that is a mean (and muddy) truck.

2. Sometimes You Just Get Stuck

Speaking of newer trucks, this is why tires and a lift are a good idea before you get yourself in too deep. He gets stuck, but his truck also gets seriously muddy. Just check out that brown fountain of sludge he puts up when trying to get un-stuck. Awesome. Good thing there was another Ford there to help him out.


1. Mud Mixing Monster F-150

A humongous lift, tractor tires, and truly ridiculous torque make this video our number one. The truck’s power is ridiculous. The mud looks like cake batter when gets on it. He even manages to make it out… before it catches fire due to a busted transmission line.

Well, at least he made it right?

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