Watch This Guy Hoon His 2015 F-150 on Junkyard Tires!
This Ford truck is smokin’ … in the best way possible!
It’s no secret that trucks make some pretty excellent burnout machines. Thanks to their rear wheel drive, high horsepower, and lack of weight in the bed, it’s almost like they were designed to produce copious amounts of tire smoke. And haul stuff, of course.
Rest assured that even with modern electronic nannies like traction and stability control, you can still terrorize the streets of your local neighborhoods with your new truck. Which is exactly what this guy did with his 2015 F-150 after outfitting it with a pair of used tires from the junkyard, just for some giggles.
He gets his money’s worth with a series of burnouts and donuts around town before eventually jumping some railroad tracks at a fairly decent speed. The F-150 catches some serious air in what looks to be nothing more than some good clean fun.
Even though most of us would never dream of doing such things with our shiny new trucks, it’s still fun to watch. And undoubtedly less expensive, considering the cost of a ticket these days (not to mention broken parts).