1,500 miles and rust already on rear differential and axel
Hey guys actually just dropped my truck off at the dealership turns out they are open on Saturdays (amazing), anyways they looked at the diff., axel and inspected the entire underside of the truck and found more rust on a few suspension peices. They told me this is not normal but it tends to happen for 2 reasons, 1 being people off road with these trucks which causes damage to the paint which is there to prevent rust and 2 being the poor quality of the paint on these piece i.e. the coverage is not even and leaves small holes in the paint which allows for the rust. They are going to sand and repaint all rusted and or parts that look like they have an issue whether it be paint or rust, then they are going to place a rust preventive to the entire underside of the truck free of charge due to this issue. I must say truly happy with there service.
So I picked up the truck last night and didnt have time to post about it, well crawled under it this morning and wow amazing no rust on any parts plus a rust protection coating. Very happy with the out come and for you guys that said it was normal I suggest you go get that rust fix if you have it.
parts that are unpainted I would say surfaces rust is normal for salty conditions, where as my dif. and axel are paint as are yours, given the pictures above your rust is around the bolts on your dif. which is prob. when the tighten them down it stripped away the paint or if the painted the rear dif. after it was all bolted up then it prob. goes back to the poor quality of the paint job. Best idea is to do what I did granted my rust was a hell of a lot worse and go to your dealership and see what they say, good luck lets us know how it turns out.
Driving in salt conditions makes rust happen, sooner or later. Nonetheless, it doesn't impede the use or performance of these trucks. I suspect letting the dealer 'paint' over the rusted spots will only hide it for a short time. If it really bothers you, I suggest skipping the dealership, buy a good quality paint-over-rust (POR) and painting the rusting areas yourself. Make sure you buy a high builds POR from a reputable, well known paint manufacturer and apply a few coats.
Why are you guys looking at the axle so much anyways? The beauty is in the sheetmetal and interior, not the driveline components.
Why are you guys looking at the axle so much anyways? The beauty is in the sheetmetal and interior, not the driveline components.