Etched Paint - Zaino DID NOT Protect!

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Old 08-16-2003, 07:22 AM
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Sounds like you need to change your name to PICK at Z...
Your posts often point out the bad points of the Z brand and you seldom have anything positive to say about it. To me, that takes aways some of the thought and effort that a lot of others put into their choice of products.
For years, I was a Mequiars man and that is all I used. Moving from one new kid on the block to another never gave me anything better and most of the time much worse. Two Years ago, I went with the Zaino brand products and therein found something different and unique which, when used properly, was superior in shine and protection than anything I've ever used. I do not hesitate to recommend it to my friends and often help them make sure they start out right with it.
Your postings such as this bird poop incident is informative and does get some ideas as to how to contend with it, that is if it can be, but the continued negative assessment of a fine product is kinda out of place.
Of course, I would think that most informed persons perusing this message board are able to pick the pepper from fly crap anyway.

Last edited by DonnyD; 08-16-2003 at 07:26 AM.
Old 08-16-2003, 10:11 AM
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First of all Donny, make sure you've read all of my posts concerning Zaino before you draw judgement upon me. Slamming me in your post was the farthest thing from the truth in my honest opinion.

I tried Zaino a few months ago because someone was nice enough to send me a small sample of it. Prior to using it, I had never given it a negative assessment (as you call it) and had simply rebutted comments about it protecting against such things as bug splatters on the paint and that the bugs didn't stick or that the shine was better than anything on the market. I simply knew that this product wasn't the second best liquid on the face of the earth behind water.

To silence some of the critics, such as yourself, I tried it and put it head to head against my standard regime of polishing/waxxing. It's great stuff. I mentioned that in my post after I tried it. Everyone here will tell you that. I simply don't see the advantage that Z offers over another good product such as Liquid Glass or Meguiars for me.

Yes, the protection is more durable however; the shine wasn't better and, with me actually ENJOYING waxxing my truck, using something like Meguiars is the route that I choose to go.

Also, you may have read that I said that I doubted anything would've protected against the bird poo in question and further went on to say that my Meguiars treatment didn't hold up against the acid rain event that we had recently.

Make sure you're informed as to all the facts and opinions before you slam me for posting a negative experience about a particular product.

RP :o
Old 08-16-2003, 11:42 AM
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Being a moderator such as you are, you'd think you could handle a small critizism a little better. When you post slanted views of something, you should expect some feedback.

Some of your views may inhibit someone from trying something that would be great for them and I don't feel that is beneficial to an end result of keeping our vehicles the way someof us want to keep them.

If I offended you with my comments, so be it. Although not intended, I do feel that I have the right to respond. If you do not like my posts, don't read them, and if you wish to get me booted off the forum for a different opinion, I guess you have that right too.
Old 08-16-2003, 11:43 AM
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Were you able to get the bird poop etching out? How bout the water spots?
Old 08-16-2003, 06:14 PM
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Good grief Donny... you obviously took my post entirely wrong. Geesh... maybe I'm becoming too abrasive in my old age (hahaha, only 27). You're more than entitled to your opinion and no, I'm not offended. I just wanted to point out the facts.

Fortunately for both of us, we can all have our opinions. I'm really proud to have that option as a human as many people do not. The bottom line is that I shared an experience with a product. It was my opinion. Yes, I'm a moderator but, I'm sure that the majority of the folks that visit here will make up their own minds. Goodness knows I'm very much a minority when it comes to my opinions on Zaino. And, even at that, my opinions aren't 'bad'. It's a good product. I just didn't believe that the time spent applying got me boat loads of benefits.

I've knocked Meguiars products too... I'm not a big fan of #7 and that's well documented. I think it smears too much and is more applicable towards non-clearcoated painted finishes.

On the flip side of that coin, I've given utmost praise to some products. For example, Husky Liners. I can't say enough good about them. They rank up there with milk by the gallon and bass fishing.

It's up to an individual to process what they hear, what they read, what they are told, and what they know to determine what types of products they want to use. Because I'm a moderator, please don't charge me with being the only one with an influencing opinion on a decision because, the fact of the matter is that we ALL have them. I get no kick-backs or anything of that nature from any manufacturer on the market with my position. Anytime you talk good, bad, or ugly about something, it will influence them in some way shape or form.

Take care man... Enjoy what works best for you, whatever product it may be... be it Frosted Flakes or Total Cereal... be it Zaino or Liquid Glass or Meguiars or Turtle Wax... use what you find to be the best product and gets you the results that you want.... that should be the way it works for anything that anyone reads/uses... it's just my opinion... they're less than a dime per dozen.

Old 08-16-2003, 06:17 PM
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Originally posted by Boss_429

Were you able to get the bird poop etching out? How bout the water spots?
We closed on our house on Friday and thus, no, I haven't made it around to doing anything with the truck (even though I intended on doing it this past week... it just didn't work out).

My truck is bug covered and dirty as heck right now from making numerous trips out to the house... I hate to say it but, the truck is inline to get neglected for about a month. HAHA... someone told me that this would happen... I'd get the house and the truck would come a distant second behind getting the house the way I want it...

Anyways, I will post back on how the vinegar works. I think it's a valid option to getting rid of the spots... I'll definately give it a whirl and post back...

Old 08-16-2003, 08:39 PM
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Originally posted by DonnyD
Sounds like you need to change your name to PICK at Z...
I agree.
Your posts often point out the bad points of the Z brand and you seldom have anything positive to say about it. To me, that takes aways some of the thought and effort that a lot of others put into their choice of products.
I don't take much of anything he says seriously.
For years, I was a Mequiars man and that is all I used. Moving from one new kid on the block to another never gave me anything better and most of the time much worse. Two Years ago, I went with the Zaino brand products and therein found something different and unique which, when used properly, was superior in shine and protection than anything I've ever used. I do not hesitate to recommend it to my friends and often help them make sure they start out right with it.
Good for you. I myself found Zaino to be a much better overall product than the others I've tried.
Your postings such as this bird poop incident is informative and does get some ideas as to how to contend with it, that is if it can be, but the continued negative assessment of a fine product is kinda out of place.
Some of RP's posts are nothing but trying to get attention. Maybe it's a cry for help.
Of course, I would think that most informed persons perusing this message board are able to pick the pepper from fly crap anyway.
Old 08-16-2003, 09:06 PM
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Originally posted by Rockpick
First of all Donny, make sure you've read all of my posts concerning Zaino before you draw judgement upon me. Slamming me in your post was the farthest thing from the truth in my honest opinion.
I'm sure he has. He said, "often," when it came to pointing out bad points of Zaino. His post was his honest opinion. I agree.
I tried Zaino a few months ago because someone was nice enough to send me a small sample of it. Prior to using it, I had never given it a negative assessment (as you call it) and had simply rebutted comments about it protecting against such things as bug splatters on the paint and that the bugs didn't stick or that the shine was better than anything on the market. I simply knew that this product wasn't the second best liquid on the face of the earth behind water.
You are lucky you have friends who look after you by providing you with the best product out there.
To silence some of the critics, such as yourself, I tried it and put it head to head against my standard regime of polishing/waxxing. It's great stuff. I mentioned that in my post after I tried it. Everyone here will tell you that. I simply don't see the advantage that Z offers over another good product such as Liquid Glass or Meguiars for me.
I don't see those who use Zaino bashing Meguiars as you do bashing Zaino.
Yes, the protection is more durable however; the shine wasn't better and, with me actually ENJOYING waxxing my truck, using something like Meguiars is the route that I choose to go.
Your opinion, and you are entitled to it. I respect it and have nothing to say.
Also, you may have read that I said that I doubted anything would've protected against the bird poo in question and further went on to say that my Meguiars treatment didn't hold up against the acid rain event that we had recently.
Your post title says more than it should then. I quote, "Etched Paint - Zaino DID NOT Protect!" says a lot of what your intent of the post is meant to be.

Make sure you're informed as to all the facts and opinions before you slam me for posting a negative experience about a particular product.
I'm sure he was informed as I am following these boards. I don't see it as a slam as much as an observation as to what he reads from your posts.
Old 08-16-2003, 09:14 PM
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Damn, what the hell is going on here? RockPick makes a post about bird crap and informs us that the Zaino did not protect his truck and a few of you seem to want to condemn him for posting what he found.

It is a GOOD POST, the most important thing I got out of it was if a bird craps on your truck you had better clean that chit off quickly or it MIGHT damage the paint. Did he add the name Zaino to draw attention? Could have, maybe to joist with me, since I am always joisting with him. RockPick and I are good friends (well on-line here) but we play enemies during “primetime”…

I can tell you this, RockPick has many good posts about detailing, as well as other subjects in other forums. He loves to get me going at times because as some know I am one of the BIGGEST Zaino fans there is (if your looking for their website - ) I push Zaino more then a Crack dealer pushes, well his drugs. I don’t even get any damn kick-backs, freebies etc, just nothing.

I love Zaino because for me it is the best polish I have ever used. For me it has protected my paint against bugs, makes it easier to get them off (I would imagine any good wax, would do the same). Zaino has protected my truck against bird crap, but then again if I see bird crap on my truck during lunch I get it off quickly. The best thing about Zaino and which RockPick HAS AGREED with is it does last longer then regular wax. I have proven that to myself when it lasted all last winter with the road grime and salt.

I am not like RockPick where I enjoy waxing my truck often. Only if I want to, so Zaino works great for me. The biggest plus for me is I do not have to use a buffer.

Being one of the biggest fans and pushers of Zaino, I didn’t really find RockPicks post offensive as in “Zaino sucks”. He simple pointed something out which is GOOD for all. There is most likely many who DON’T know how bad bird crap can ruin your paint job if not attended to quickly, EVEN if it has COATS of polish and/or wax on it.

If you also read the entire thread you would have read my post where I told RockPick that Zaino has protected my truck against bird crap (maybe because I get to it quickly, or quicker then he did) any how you did NOT read a post from RockPick challenging my post. I would think, if he really hated the product as a few think, he would have came back with something, he didn’t because he doesn’t hate Zaino, he just likes another brand better.

Before you jump you have to remember when someone, who ever writes a post they do NOT have to worry about turning someone away from a product. That is what a forum is all about “INPUT” those reading the “INPUT” can judge for themselves if they wish to try something or not.

God help us if everyone has to start censoring their post for fear of “turning someone away from trying a product” if that were to happen this site would really suck.
Old 08-16-2003, 10:18 PM
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Do I have a target painted on my back? LOL!

LOL... I walk away and screwyou pops back up with a stab and an undercut... I suppose I'm on his 'hit list' as I disagreed with him a while back on something back in another thread... his pointed comment at the end of his post was " screwyou" LOL... pretty creative.

Oh well... I'll take my lashings and smile just like the rest would. I posted my opinion (which ironically praised the very product that I 'bash more often that others bash Meguiars...' LOL!). Tis life... we shall all move on... can't please everyone.

Old 08-16-2003, 10:18 PM
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Holy Cow! You guys can just drop me off at the next corner........ please!

Anyhow, RP................ good luck on the house! The house is certainly more important! Besides, we'll get that KR lookin good again!
Old 08-17-2003, 02:00 PM
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Great conversation going on here huh Rockpick....?

Both of us have some things to say and I appreciate your later candor and some of the hilarious chirpings of the bystanders. That's what it is all about.... good old American ideas vrs ideals.

I appreciate your test postings as well as many others and I will openly admit that in my mid 50's, I hope to continue to learn from anyone with a better way. You younger guys usually go for the new products and wear it out well in advance of us older folks getting brave enough to try it. It just so happened that the Z products were the only MAJOR change I've made in years and years.

When I think back to the Mequairs products, I do remember the satisfaction of the results obtained but also remember that results were only attained with several steps and quite a bit of work. The longevity was the biggest reason I changed.

We all have our favorites and get used to them and we, perhaps in our territorial mode, will defend to the end. That just makes for good conversation. I look forward to more.
Old 08-17-2003, 02:32 PM
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Some have called me "Burt" not "Bird" I don't chirp...
Old 08-17-2003, 02:47 PM
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Originally posted by DonnyD
Great conversation going on here huh Rockpick....? doubt man..

Hey, just noticed you were down in Bells.... Isn't Bolivar fairly close to you? I've done some work down there...

Old 08-17-2003, 05:24 PM
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Yes, about the proximity of Bells to Bolivar.... bout 40 miles or so. As a matter of fact, I visited family there last month. In the 50's and 60's I spent a lot of time in the summer on one of the larger farms there. Nice city. Nice people.

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