Questions on detail this weekend

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Old 11-03-2007, 12:58 AM
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Originally Posted by s2krn
I had a hard time following your last post near the end. Started to ramble a little and "that that" threw me for a loop. I agree to disagree. It is obvious that neither of us is going to convince the other. If anyone wants to chime in and say the pics of the cars were terrible please do so. Not sure where all the threats come from? It would be absolutely devastating if your next post were not so nice. That worked back in middle school but I think we are all adults on here. It really reminds me of high school. Please don't hurt my feelings I may not sleep well tonight.
You're an adult? Damn, I pegged you as teen who got a few photos of your mom's car.

You are well on your way to getting banned here.
Old 11-03-2007, 01:18 AM
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Originally Posted by RollingRock
You're an adult? Damn, I pegged you as teen who got a few photos of your mom's car.

You are well on your way to getting banned here.
I'd say we're both well on our way to getting banned then. I've stated my experiences reguarding a question asked in a detailing forum. Nothing personal has crossed my keyboard. Pegging me as a teen posting pictures of my mom's car? I guess that is you being not so nice as you posted earlier.
Not once have you stated an experience you had with the product I mentioned. Surely they scratched up your vehicle or were detrimental in some way for you to be so opposed to them. I'm sure your products work wonderfully for you; I've never used them. That's why I never said anytyhing negative about the products you choose to work with.
I joined the forum to educate myself on my new/used truck (my wife's truck actually: not my mother's) and offered a few points for someone who asked a question. Wether or not you agree with it is pointless. This is a public forum; you're not going to agree with everyone. Noone has all the answers no matter how much they may try to convince you otherwise.
I've agreed to disagree... Let it go. You don't have to put stern posts or try to insult someone whom you know nothing about.

Last edited by s2krn; 11-03-2007 at 01:50 AM.
Old 11-03-2007, 08:25 AM
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S2KRN: You aren't troberts by chance are you? You sound like him...

Anyway, your shots are in the shade. This means absolutely nothing. So, I dredged up a shot of my truck when it had micromarring all to hell. I took the shot to prove a point a couple of months ago. Now, if you look at the first image, you will see NO swirls, but the second photo will show you just how bad the swirls were. DISCLAIMER: The micromarring was caused (I think) by turnout gear being dragged across the paint at the Fire Department. People do this routinely, even on other peoples trucks. SO, it is not my wash technique.

The one Rolling Rock posted of my hood with me working on it is a shot we can appreciate. That one has lighting close up and at the poper angle to prove the lack of swirls (and the presence of FMC's horrible orange peel)

Now, show us a pic that is close up that has lighting and an appropriate angle so as to reveal everything.

Since I have to go to work, I will stop for this morning, but expect another post soon. Gip and RR: I agree 110% with you guys.
Old 11-03-2007, 08:33 AM
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Wow, got a little off topic

I just spent 20 mins reading all the posts I had missed since the last time I was here. Just so everyone knows I do use microfiber towels, the mothers and meguires kind. I'm sure you will see them in the pictures later.

Anyways, its a beautiful day here (high 70's for the high) and Im heading home from work. Cup of coffee and some dawn dish detergent and Ill be started on the truck.

Ill post pictures in a new thread later today.
Old 11-03-2007, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by s2krn
Everyone is making it so easy... It seems some folks have a little trouble reading posts. I never said anything about "washing off swirls". If you read the post I stated after washing and waxing. Thanks for your input though.
Didn’t type the waxing part .. thought it was implied when I mentioned the whole comment. You said you wash and wax your swirls away. Unless you are defining “waxing” as a multiple step process to remove defects in automotive clear coats, you are not waxing them away, you are simply washing and hiding them. If you are happy with the looks, that is all that matters, but don’t try to sell it as something it is not.
I would also be interested in knowing what products you are using when washing and waxing.

Originally Posted by s2krn
You have brought to my attention now that I'm not worthy of using a "good" micro fiber towel. Did you write the consumer reports article on micro fiber towels? Do you know what brand the towels are or do you just assume they aren't any good. As I've stated before I have had excellent results using these towels. I'm glad your towels work for you as well as mine work for me.
Never mentioned you aren’t worthy of using anything. Nice stretch there.
Since when is CR the expert on anything? I don’t need to know the brand you are using .. if they aren’t DF or Pak Shak, they are not as good. How do I know that? Many years of experience while working on thousands of cars, all the while trying almost every towel I can get my hands on, combined with the knowledge gleaned from discussing this subject with some of the best detailers in the world. Why? Because I don’t like wasting money, and when you have 500+ towels, saving even $0.50 a towel is a big deal.

The fact that you are still arguing this point proves that you don’t have first hand knowledge of the towels I am talking about. The one’s you are using may be a decent cheap towel .. but there is a huge difference between them and the top of the line stuff. The cheaper ones will scratch. Even if the scratches can be filled later.. why induce them?

Originally Posted by s2krn
Let me reiterate another point; who cares if the swirls are there IF YOU CAN'T SEE THEM? Did you actually write that with a straight face. Maybe it's all one big swirl and that's why I can't see any swirls after cleaning my car. I'm sure the honda does have swirls now bc I don't own it anymore. Just to give you something else to construe if you like; I actually drive a 5 year old Mitsubishin now. It has invisible swirls too.
The difference is simple. Optical clarity of the clear coat. Which results in decreased depth of shine. There is a big difference between covering up or filling swirls (which you are doing), and removing them.

Old 11-03-2007, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by f-150sport03
S2KRN: You aren't troberts by chance are you? You sound like him....
I'd have to disagree with that .. troberts is argumentative at times .. but he does know what the hell he is doing .. and has done some damn nice work, from what I have seen of what he posts .

I may not always agree with the approach troberts takes (too agressive for me at times).. but you can't argue with the look of his finished products ..

just my opinion.
Old 11-03-2007, 09:20 AM
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Originally Posted by 05FX4SCW
I just spent 20 mins reading all the posts I had missed since the last time I was here. Just so everyone knows I do use microfiber towels, the mothers and meguires kind. I'm sure you will see them in the pictures later.

Anyways, its a beautiful day here (high 70's for the high) and Im heading home from work. Cup of coffee and some dawn dish detergent and Ill be started on the truck.

Ill post pictures in a new thread later today.
looking forward to seeing the pics ..

wish you wouldn't use the Dawn .. but that is more of a personal preference.

nothing wrong with the Meguiar's towels .. I have a ton of them ..

What carnauba are you going to finish with??
Old 11-03-2007, 12:03 PM
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Nice to wake up this morning and see everyone has calmed down a little. As I've posted several times in this forum; surely the towels of you choice work well for you. My towels of choice work great for me as well. Not one of you has said you used my MF towel of choice from Sams and had bad results. Don't assume they are a poor quality towel and possibly prevent someone reading posts to avoid them just bc you wouldn't use them. Surely they are not as high quality as you towel, but it doesn't mean it is not a good product. If for some reason they totally marr up someones paint then they can continue reading on here and learn how to fix it. Some on this post are doing exactly what they are accusing me of... giving bad information. Unless you have specifically used this product a simple post on what you like is sufficient. In another post I've listed my choice of waxing products. Mequiar's is my product of choice; more specifically the 3 step process with step 3 substituted with Mequiars Gold Class. Good morning to all... I guess closer to afternoon, but who's counting.
Old 11-03-2007, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by s2krn
Not one of you has said you used my MF towel of choice from Sams and had bad results.
Yes, I did. So did RollingRock. And though he hasnt posted on this thread yet, I know RP has, too. I'd be willing to bet at some point Gipraw has used them (probably not on paint, though). Learn to read.

Don't assume they are a poor quality towel and possibly prevent someone reading posts to avoid them just bc you wouldn't use them.
there you go assuming that we are under the assumtion that those towels suck-- we KNOW from experience that they suck. Again, had you been reading, you would have known this.

If for some reason they totally marr up someones paint then they can continue reading on here and learn how to fix it.
This goes right back to what Gip said: Why induce the problem in the first place? Besides-- with every time you have to do defect removal, you are removing clear coat, of which you have a finite amount.

Some on this post are doing exactly what they are accusing me of... giving bad information.
Okay, smart ***-- find the bad information. Be my guest.

Unless you have specifically used this product a simple post on what you like is sufficient.
Isnt it funny how the new guy is telling US (those that have been here for several years and have over 1k posts) what is sufficient??? Here's an idea: get your facts straight, and quit acting like a freshman- that will be sufficient.

In another post I've listed my choice of waxing products. Mequiar's is my product of choice; more specifically the 3 step process with step 3 substituted with Mequiars Gold Class.
Although I do like the looks of Gold class wax (unfortunately it doesnt hold up worth a flip), I have never seen it hide that much... in my experience, it will hide less than 20% of what is there, if any at all. Step 1 is decent, step 2 is decent, but neither of those are a WAX. Again, get your facts straight.

Gip-- the reason why I thought that this troll was TRoberts is in his argumentative nature. Also, I figured since we dogpiled TRoberts for being overly aggressive, this guy might have been trying the other end of the spectrum. BUT-- I went back and read over a few of the other guy's posts and decided that the writing style was different. Also, TRoberts had this thing about people taking shade pictures, and this guy has several. SO... I guess you are right... Also, HOLY CRAP!!! 500+ towels??!! That's a BUNCH...
Old 11-03-2007, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by s2krn
I'd say we're both well on our way to getting banned then.
I dont think so. RR will stay, if anybody gets banned, it will be you.

Originally Posted by s2krn
Not once have you stated an experience you had with the product I mentioned.
Read the following quote, posted approx. 50 minutes BEFORE you hit "reply." Note, you were replying to Rolling rock, so this is NOT out of context.
Originally Posted by RollingRock
Back when I thought I knew what I was doing and was limited on funds yes I used cheap MF towels
Now, will you start to read? YOU are the one making assumptions. STOP IT.

I joined the forum to educate myself on my new/used truck (my wife's truck actually: not my mother's) and offered a few points for someone who asked a question.
So if you are here to learn, why are you acting all macho? Those who have joined for the purpose of learning have no business making the kinds of comments you have made to the people that are the primary teachers here. Those are: RockPick, Gipraw, RollingRock, 03gtmustang, myself, etc... So if you want help, be humble and ASK for help rather than trying to stir the pot.

Wether or not you agree with it is pointless. This is a public forum; you're not going to agree with everyone. Noone has all the answers no matter how much they may try to convince you otherwise.
I disagree with some of this. Although everyone will not always agree on everything, there are some things that are irrefutable, such as TANGIBLE FACTS. Try it-- go get a brand new CD and one of your POS MF towels, then rub it across the surface. Bingo! You now have light scratches, AKA: Swirls. There are basic principles that we all can agree on, one of which being that the quality of towel makes a HUGE difference.

I've agreed to disagree... Let it go.
No, YOU let it go. You are in the wrong. I will not allow the people who are here to learn think that you are correct-- you would then be the cause of ruining their finish. I am here to help people, thus I feel it necessary to make sure that anyone who reads these posts realizes that your information is INVALID.
You don't have to put stern posts or try to insult someone whom you know nothing about.
What does knowing about you (or not knowing) have ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING??? This is a forum about detailing, not about who you are. The "who you are" forum, if you could call it that could go into General Discussion (or Myspace or Facebook...), but who you are doent apply here. It doesnt matter that I am a Firefighter-- I detail cars, which has NOTHING to do with my profession. Thus, who I am doesnt matter. Neither does it matter for you. So, get over your ego, because nobody cares who you are. BTW-- that sounds like a kid speaking-- I always hear teenagers complain when somebody offended them that "didnt even know who I was" [should be they were grammatically, but so you can see the unedited words, verbatim].

I am sick and tired of putting up with this crap. At least do us all a favor and take a day off of posting...
Old 11-03-2007, 04:59 PM
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All this hostility again. And I thought we were so close to being friends. Well at least friendly... The part about acting like a freshman really cut me deep; though it did bring back some fond memories of my freshman year at LSU. Good game coming on soon by the way, LSU vs Alabama. Anyway, please pick my post apart again to help me learn. My waxing products of choice are Meguiars; never said step one and two were wax although Meguiars does have what they call a "cleaner wax". I will sometimes use Meguiars Professional series wax; comes in a tan colored bottle, and I like the results from that as well. Wen I find something I have good results with I stick with it. Meguiars has a great line of products and I choose to not go searching for products to replace the ones I have success with. Luckily I have the luxury of keeping my car garaged most of the time. Don't drive it in the rain or ice or drive it any where I have to worry about letting it sit. Makes it easier to keep it clean.
Old 11-03-2007, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by s2krn
All this hostility again. And I thought we were so close to being friends. Well at least friendly... The part about acting like a freshman really cut me deep; though it did bring back some fond memories of my freshman year at LSU. Good game coming on soon by the way, LSU vs Alabama. Anyway, please pick my post apart again to help me learn. My waxing products of choice are Meguiars; never said step one and two were wax although Meguiars does have what they call a "cleaner wax". I will sometimes use Meguiars Professional series wax; comes in a tan colored bottle, and I like the results from that as well. Wen I find something I have good results with I stick with it. Meguiars has a great line of products and I choose to not go searching for products to replace the ones I have success with. Luckily I have the luxury of keeping my car garaged most of the time. Don't drive it in the rain or ice or drive it any where I have to worry about letting it sit. Makes it easier to keep it clean.

Well, you never mentioned the other steps you did until the post I picked apart (most recent one), so since you process was previously described as "wash and wax", one could only guess that you meant that step 1 and 2 were wax. You need to mention these things.

Yes, I know aout the cleaner wax, but that falls into a bit of a different category.

Also, give the number of the wax you use. Is it #26? #21 Syn. Sealant? There are a LOT of waxes that Meg.s has...

I dont disagree about sticking with Megs. I love their stuff, and will use mostly their stuff because I cant afford PB stuff.
... I am going to finish checking the other threads now...
Old 11-03-2007, 05:16 PM
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I believe the Megs Prof is #26, but I would have to get up from the LSU game to check and that's not going to happen. For me price isn't the deciding factor. I could buy more expensive waxes and cleaning products, but when I find good results I stick with it. Oh and to point something out you made it through an entire post without calling me a troll, ***, freshman... i forget them all. Anyway, I've found people tend to consider points of view more when they're aren't being demeaned, belittled, or criticized. You have to remember this is a forum and not everyone is going to agree on here.
Old 11-03-2007, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by s2krn
I believe the Megs Prof is #26,
I will say that tht stuff is VERY highly regarded on this forum. It offers a GREAT look at a very reasonable price.

I could buy more expensive waxes and cleaning products, but when I find good results I stick with it.
Wanna trade places?

Oh and to point something out you made it through an entire post without calling me a troll, ***, freshman... i forget them all.
No need on the last one or this one. Only when I see the necesity. (sp?)

Anyway, I've found people tend to consider points of view more when they're aren't being demeaned, belittled, or criticized.
From having run boot camps to helping staff a police academy, I disagree, but this would be WAY off topic... It can be very effective... This would be a GD discussion, though.
You have to remember this is a forum and not everyone is going to agree on here.
I realize that... See the post at 3:57 PM by me, a couple of quotes down (3rd to last).

Anyway... Can we not continue this on this thread? It has gone SO far OT (I know, I contributed to just under half of it, but so did you... sharing blame here), that I think it is getting confusing. I think you are beginning to see that none of us are going to budge on this, and I dont think you are either.
Since the products you use seem OK (I have used all of them and more), just mention those, and dont mention the MF stuff, and I think it will be better for you... just a friendly thought.

Olive branch?
Old 11-03-2007, 08:25 PM
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So, how's everybody doin!

Quick Reply: Questions on detail this weekend

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