So The Poor Doesnt Pay Taxes?

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Old 06-29-2003, 06:41 PM
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L iminator-- I live in NC and used to live in TX. I do agree with you, Texas had SOME very good school systems. I went thru the Carroll (sp?) schools and they were top notch. Now NC on the other hand is pathetic. We have kids taking 3 hour bus rides everyday before school, even though there is a school 5 minutes from their house, due to zoning and shortcomings with money and lack of expansion money.

While I do believe that every person is limited in how smart they can be, you can always get a better education if the environment is better. It is like productivity in work, you work in a lousy environment you will underachieve. You work in a healthy environment your productivity will rise, but only to a point.

I kind of lost the point to my post, but I simply want to state that some school systems are getting murdered due to lack of funding and there is not much people can do because there are a lot of people who skimp out of paying taxes and never get caught. I know quite a few of the big players in Charlotte pay about as much as someone who makes 30k a year. That is not right.
Old 06-29-2003, 06:41 PM
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Anyone who thinks that someone entirely unable to care for themself should be thrown out on our streets to die is very much unenlightened.
I don't think anybody said they thought this.

The fact is, like it or not, the welfare system is very prone to fraud. Nobody said to get rid of it entirely. A little reform would be nice though, wouldn't it?
Old 06-29-2003, 07:06 PM
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Originally posted by musclemann
That Freaking Welfare Queen ! She is a biotch isnt R. Reagan! Hey where have you hiding the last twenty years? Enron? Dont worry me and D. Cheney fixed it so your buddies will be able to continue playing golf. fuccking welfare recipients living in their big homes, driving Mercedes, and living off the hard working people in this country! fucck them! remember vote republican And I will guarantee higher unemployment and more tax cuts for rich guys like you and me. Then tell the dumb citizens we will use this money to create jobs. Their suckers, theyll believe anything I tell. Remember those idiots believed that story about the weapons of mass destruction when my approval had slipped 15-20 percent because of the economy. Hopefully ronny I didnt start the war to early though. Who the hell cares, Ill just go attack some other poor azz country and tell everyone its for the freedom of that country. I love Americans, their so stupid. Take Care ron!
What do you think about the "facts" that SGL so graciously
posted? Everytime I hear about the "rich" getting away with
murder, I wonder just which "rich" people they are talking about?

Seems like when the top 50 percent pays 96 percent of the tax
burden, there isn't much beeching to be done by the other 50
percent when the Government gives the payers back some of their
OWN money. Yes, I know this is hard for some liberals to grasp,
but it is MY money, and I don't cotton to the Gov't taking any
more than absolutely necessary to run the country.

IF you had to write a check the way self employed people do
every month, you would DIE seeing what part of your money
goes to the wasteful gov't..... They need to stay on a budget,
do REAL cuts (Not cuts in percentage raises!) and get this place
back on it's feet again.

PS... one other thing ... If you didn't VOTE, you have no right to
beeatch ...
Old 06-29-2003, 07:10 PM
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If you read the laws guiding AFDC (Aid to Families With Dependent Children) you'll see that the welfare system really is set up to protect children. It's not there for the lazy.

As much sense as it makes to say that someone without a job should not have any children, the government cannot legally stop anyone mentally and phyisically fit from having children. What are we supposed to do? Say you can have one and that's it? Take the children away and put them in foster care? Adoption? There is no legal, moral fix.

This gets very dangerous for all of us because if the government can legally stop a poor, unmarried woman from having children, they can also stop you and I from having children for any arbitrary reason they decide fits the moment.
Old 06-29-2003, 07:16 PM
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Originally posted by AjRagno
This gets very dangerous for all of us because if the government can legally stop a poor, unmarried woman from having children, they can also stop you and I from having children for any arbitrary reason they decide fits the moment.
Or smoking, or carrying weapons, or practicing religion, or
any number of things ... I love the way people are getting behind
all the liberal laws that are being passed around the country.

Our freaking RIGHTS are disappearing more every day.

Did you know that it is now a CRIME to de-claw a cat in
West Hollywood? What about aborting babies? WTF ???
This world is crazyier every day.....
Old 06-29-2003, 07:19 PM
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Someone move this thread. Why are we debating politics in a Lightning forum to begin with?
Old 06-29-2003, 07:32 PM
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The RICH do pay MORE then the poor. The POOR get MORE money then do any RICH person.

The welfare system is a mess because liberals need stupid lazy *** people sitting on their *** at home watching Oprah. This makes them DEPENDANT on the government for their survival. Are then some people who really need help? Yes there is and I do not have a problem with the government using the money they TAKE from me to help them.

I do NOT want to give any more money because no more money is needed. Reform is needed. First, we need to stop giving away FREE money to the poor, there is NO reason they should receive one dime more then what they paid into the tax system. I do NOT care if they have 10 kids and someone feels since they are to stupid to get a good paying job that it is MY responsibility to raise their kids. It is NOT my responsibility.

Once you start setting examples then the poor will figure it out to STOP having kids. Do I have a right to tell the poor they can only have so many kids? YES I do, because as long as they are receiving money from me they are living under MY roof, and it is MY rules in my home. If they don’t like my rules, then great they can get the hell out. No body is forcing them to receive FREE money TAKEN without permission from the donor.

Personally if someone on welfare CAN work then they should be FORCED to do so to receive their check, even if it is pulling weeds on the side of the freeway. If they refuse then fine, they can go starve somewhere I do NOT care, it is their choice to starve not mine. Once they get hungry enough they WILL work to feed the hungry.

You see liberals really do NOT care about people, they do NOT care about the stupid kids, the poor etc.

Liberal – give a man a fish (feeds the man for a day)

Conservative – teach a man to fish (man feeds himself for the rest of his life)

Do you see the difference? Liberals like people who are weak and stupid and can not do anything on their own. It is the only way for them to have power. Liberals need people to depend on them so what is the best way of doing it? Giving away FREE money, food, medical and dental.

That is bullsh*t, no poor person deserves to have FREE braces, if their teeth are not straight tough sh*t, they can get off their *** make some money and pay for them just like I have to.

I am tired of liberals asking the same STUPID question every time tax cuts are mentioned, which is “Can we afford this tax cut?” Yes we can, and the next time you liberals want a tax increase how about asking us working folks “Can you afford us raising your taxes?” I have never heard that question, they just steal my money and think that is ok then bitch about the rich.
It is the rich that make it possible for others to become rich. Without the rich, their RISK taken there would not be a country like America. I don’t see some poor dumb *** taken any risk to make the country stronger and providing jobs. The only risk they take is making a decision on weather to have the good cut of steak or buying the ribs, then they think we’ll help I get MORE money then needed every month for FREE food and if I don’t use all my stamps there not good next month so I will TAKE both the steak and ribs.

It is time to see the rich for who they are the providers and suppliers. It is time to see the poor for who they are leaches looking for a FREE ride at the benefit of those of us that work.

I am not talking about the poor who bust their *** and receive nothing, I am talking about the ones receiving in one way or the other something from me, the government, and the tax payer. I am not worried about how much tax Bill Gates pays because he has provided untold millions of dollars in tax money to the government for the untold thousands of jobs he created on his own, as well as thousands of new business because of the software he developed. If it was my decision between Bill Gates paying taxes and some poor person I would tax the poor person and let Bill Gates have a free ride.

That would provide incentive to others to do something with their life’s and to give to society as Bill Gates and all of us do.

Fact is we have the RICHEST poor people in the world right here. They have car’s, TV’s VCR’s etc.

Do NOT worry about the rich, it is the liberals and the poor lazy bastards that will weaken this country.

Now the poor think they deserve a “Tax refund” this summer, what a freaking joke. A refund means getting some of your OWN money back. Since they have NOT paid any money in they do NOT deserve another welfare check because it will NOT be a “Tax refund” for them…
Old 06-29-2003, 07:35 PM
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Originally posted by AjRagno
This gets very dangerous for all of us because if the government can legally stop a poor, unmarried woman from having children, they can also stop you and I from having children for any arbitrary reason they decide fits the moment.
It is NOT dangerous at all. It is called RULES when you live under MY roof. What I mean by that is they are receiving MY money so they follow MY rules. If they do NOT like MY rules they can leave my house, which means NO FREE money from me.

It is simple. It has nothing to do with stopping those who can actually afford to have children to have children, just those that can NOT afford to do so. Either they do it on their own, or they follow the RULES as set by ME…
Old 06-29-2003, 07:36 PM
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Originally posted by SVT_KY
Our freaking RIGHTS are disappearing more every day.

Did you know that it is now a CRIME to de-claw a cat in
West Hollywood?
As it should be.

Who do you think runs my house: My cat or my dog? Dogs have teeth, cats have claws. Would you take away a dog's teeth??? If the cat loses his claws, the dog is going to eat him

I am feeling very liberal these days thanks to, 01 XLT Sport On the other hand though, I should be able to smoke. I can legally carry a concealed handgun in Minnesota now. But, what really scares the hell out of me is the Homeland Security Act because if they take away one persons rights, they are that much closer to taking away mine. For all I know, the Feds are legally reading my e-mail right now and this is a right they did not have before 9/11. I didn't break any laws then and I'm not now, but they now have the right to watch Do you want some uptight, ******* reading your e-mail or getting off on listening to your phone calls???
Old 06-29-2003, 07:42 PM
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01 XLT Sport,

The trouble is that it is not your roof and it's not mine either. It's the United States Constitution. These laws and protections are here for all of us, not just you and not just for those on welfare, spending your money. It's not you and them, it's all of us.
Old 06-29-2003, 07:48 PM
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Originally posted by SVT_KY
Our freaking RIGHTS are disappearing more every day.

Did you know that it is now a CRIME to de-claw a cat in
West Hollywood? What about aborting babies? WTF ???
This world is crazyier every day.....
Good point about STUPID useless cats, and living human beings. If I want to kill my cat I will, so what, who really cares about a stupid useless cat anyway? That is to make a point. If a human has the “Right” to kill another human then if I owned a cat why can I not de-claw it, or for that matter if it really pisses me off, why do I not have the “Right” to just kill it and not have to worry about it?

The fact is neither one of them is a “Right” because neither one of them are in the Constitution. However, liberals are good about trying to take rights out of the Constitution (2nd amendment) and then in the next breath tell us there is a Right for animals, or a Right to kill another human.

No wonder they want to legalize drugs…
Old 06-29-2003, 07:51 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport

No wonder they want to legalize drugs…
Ever seen a cat get stoned
Old 06-29-2003, 07:55 PM
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Originally posted by AjRagno
01 XLT Sport,

The trouble is that it is not your roof and it's not mine either. It's the United States Constitution. These laws and protections are here for all of us, not just you and not just for those on welfare, spending your money. It's not you and them, it's all of us.
Please accept my apologizes, and give me time to re-read the Constitution again. I have read it many times, but I must have missed the “Right” about those that would like to sit on their *** have the “Right” to take MY money, have the “Right” to force me to care and raise their children, have the “Right” to force me to feed them and their children, have the “Right” to force me to pay for their medical, and dental, have a “Right” to force me to pay for their children’s braces while paying for my own child’s braces.

If you could be so kind and point out for me the particular amendments in the Constitution that spell out these rights it will make is so much easier for me to research. Currently due to these new “Rights” the poor have been granted I do not have a lot of time due to the fact that I am working so those “Rights” can be enforced upon me.
Old 06-29-2003, 07:58 PM
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Ok, getting back to being serious there is NOTHING in the Constitution that “prevents” us tax payers from setting rules, such as NO KIDS while receiving government money. Now here is the clincher, we are NOT forcing them into not having children we are simple stating to them:

IF you want the money, NO KIDS.

IF you want kids, NO MONEY.

Very simple, does not go against the Constitution whatsoever since we have NOT taken away their freedom of choice, isn’t that what liberals are all about anyway? Freedom of choice?
Old 06-29-2003, 08:01 PM
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I understand your point. I hope you understand mine.

The constitution does not say:

"Pregnant mothers get braces."
"01 XLT Sport must pay for said braces (and beer)."

It also does not say:

"01 XLT Sport can freely kill cats."
"01 XLT Sport gets to make all rules, because it's his house and his roof."

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