So The Poor Doesnt Pay Taxes?

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Old 06-29-2003, 11:35 PM
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Originally posted by AjRagno
01 XLT Sport,

I am so, so very thankful that you are not a Supreme Court Justice, if you are going to interpret our Constitution in the terms you're using
Oh, you mean to read it and carry out what is printed in the document? Guess that would be scary...
Old 06-29-2003, 11:42 PM
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I just wonder if they are going to start taxing my vagina sniffing dog.

The only way some people see to make everyone pay tax is to tax groceries and gas and other consumables. You gotta tax the stuff everyone uses. That will take care of the hookers, pimps, drug dealers, criminals, everyone. If you eat, you pay taxes. Yeah gas would be 10.00 a gallon. So it probably will never happen. And you can only buy so many groceries on a welfare check.

I say cut the welfare and the bs government spending. Force the people to get off thier butts and work. If they don't survive....then turn them into soilent green for those that do survive and let them feed off of them. Give me my money back.

I wished I was rich enough to write 6 figure checks to the government for taxes. Maybe someday I will be. Yeah, I'd **** and moan just like I do now. But I'd be be better off knowing I had that much money I suppose. Its just the price I pay for living in the greatest country in the world.

Taxation without representation.....sigh...
Old 06-29-2003, 11:47 PM
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I'm not sure about the welfare rules in the USA, but here in Canada, if you are a single mom, you get X dollars per kid on top of your basic entitlement.
So, all these big *** lazy biatches produce a littler of kids just so they can get a bigger cheque each month. (then blow it at the bingo every night and get free food from the food banks)

When my wife & I were saving for a home, we lived in a cheap rental townhouse complex filled with mostly of the above women.
Of course they would declare to the welfare officials that they were single, but the boyfriends always lived there, paying half the bills.
If welfare knew, they would cut their benefit accordingly.

I recall not very long ago about how some senator or something suggested a new law.
His plan was to offer every single mom on welfare $1,000 to have her tubes tied, so they couldn't have more children, of course the bleeding hearts went crazy calling the law barbaric and whatnot.

I remember getting up every morning at 5:45AM, putting my uniform on, and busting my *** at work all day, just as my wife did.
Work hard all week, then when you look at your cheque, you see the gov't took a nice 42% chunk out of it.
I was very bitter with the people in my neighborhood, because as far as I was concerned, that 42% that was taken from my cheque, went directly to those low lifes, and rewarding them for having more snotty kids (who would steal your BBQ if it wasn't chained down) Most of them had nicer vehicles and bigger TV's than us.

When I got home from work at 4pm, I would see all these lazy sumbiches having little "lawn parties" The whole lot of them would be sitting in the middle courtyard in their lawn chairs drinking beer and having a great time, waiting for the bar to open.

Even though that senators idea got shot down, I admired him for having the ***** to try to change things.
Having kids is a big responsibility that people overlook, take for granted, and simply exploit.

If I want to buy a new Navigator, can I go down to welfare and say "yo, my truck payments will be $900 a month, can you ok it for me?"
No, but "Suzie whitetrash" can go have 6 kids and automatically collect an extra 2 G's a month, even though she can't afford it on her own.
Well, the government will just steal it from mine and all your checks and pay Suzie directly.

Then they tried to introduce "WorkFare" here.
People on welfare were given the opportunity to "work" for their cheques, and gain some dignity, but it was strictly voluntary because the liberals said it would be an attack on their self esteem if they were forced to work for their benefits.

In Ontario,a popular scam was to collect a welfare cheque each month from several cities at once.
Since each city's computer are independent, someone suggested that welfare people get a new ID card with fingerprints. this way they could connect all the computers together, and cross reference them and weed out the cheats.
No no no, the liberals once again decreed how this would further demoralize the welfare people. "For Gods sakes, we don't want them to feel worse about themselves then they already do"

I'm sure these stories are popular on both sides of our borders.
They need to take a hard line against these cheating fochs, and give them public beatings.
(They can sell tickets, this will generate more tax revenues)

Legalize WorkFare, and make them earn their pay.
If they want to be lazy, then starve.
The people who are unable to work for medical reasons will be left along when they produce a doctors note.

I'm fresh out of compassion for all these aholes.
Foch em.

Old 06-29-2003, 11:51 PM
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Originally posted by Nick D.
The far right just voted to extend our indebtedness another trillion dollars and want to cut our taxes again and that is not only wrong it is criminal.
Sorry Nick but the far right has NOT extended our indebtedness. The liberals have done so and have done very well at it for years. You want a balanced budget? Great, what give away programs can we cut first? How about welfare, then Medicaid, sorry but when someone’s poor kids gets the sniffles and mom or dad or to stupid to realize it is NOT an emergency then they pay the emergency room bill on their own, or just go get junior some cold medicine. I will tell you want you cut that program so they don’t go to the emergency room for everything and you won’t just have a balanced budget you will have a surplus and YES I would like another round of tax cuts.

People act like there is not enough money for the schools, or other programs but there is a TON of cash, they have more money then they would even need except there is one problem it is NOT there money so they blow it on what ever makes them “feel” good and look good.

Schools do NOT need more money and actually the school budget should be cut by 50% or more. This will help to reduce the bureaucratic mess they have with schools. More money does NOT equal better education. If it did with all the money spend over the past 20 years we should have kids leaving high school with PHD’s…

Teachers Union OUT, make it illegal, create a law that REQUIRES teachers to pass proficiency test in the subjects they teach each year or every two years. There are a lot of stupid teachers out there that don’t know their *** from a hole in the ground. Why do you think private schools far surpass the public schools? Because they are held to much higher standard.

Why do liberals HATE the minorities that live in poor neighborhoods and FORCE them to go to public schools that have failed them time and time again? They will NOT give them the same opportunities as some people have with putting their kids into private schools. The liberals REFUSE to give them this opportunity and REFUSE to make the public schools they FORCE them to attend meet any standards.

When the school fails the liberals says “MORE MONEY” we need more money and it will be fixed. More money means NOTHING except their buddies getting rich on the side because it NEVER makes it down to the schools themselves.

You want a balanced budget then get rid of the socialist liberal programs making people rich by holding back minorities and women. It is cruel how these people get rich off the poor, and some are worried about big business, please step back, take a breath and let me know what programs you would like to cut to balance the budget. We do NOT need more taxes, we need MORE tax cuts to FORCE the idiots in Washington to balance the budget.
Old 06-29-2003, 11:52 PM
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Originally posted by Habibi

I'm fresh out of compassion for all these aholes.
Foch em.

Old 06-29-2003, 11:53 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
We do NOT need more taxes, we need MORE tax cuts to FORCE the idiots in Washington to balance the budget.
Old 06-29-2003, 11:57 PM
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You make a good point, and let me expand on it a bit.

People on welfare should NOT get more money for having another child. They should get enough for ONE and that is it. If they have more then all of them have to eat less.

If I was to get married and my wife had a child my employer is not going to say “01 we see you had another child here is an extra $500 a month” If I asked my employer or told them “Hey I just had another kid so you owe me another $500 a month” they would say “See ya”.

Should be the same for those on welfare. We should tell them here are the rules, either you follow them or “See ya”…
Old 06-30-2003, 12:05 AM
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Ok, then let’s NOT force anyone to work. We simple ask “Would you like to eat?” If they say yes we tell them here is the work for you to perform. If they do it then they eat, if they don’t oh well, so sad THEY choose NOT to eat.

We did not force anything on them, we simple gave them a choice, to eat or starve, and they choose to starve. Trust me when they are hungry they WILL work.

There is NOTHING wrong with telling someone that is a lazy basturd that “Hey you’re a lazy scumbag loser” if it hurts their self esteem GREAT, they need some tough love and someone to tell them the TRUTH…

There is also NOTHING wrong with making them buy only the NON-name brand foods when they are available, they do not need Kellogg’s Frosted flakes if there is another non-name brand for half the price. When I was having a hard time when I first moved back here my family was eating the cheap stuff and I was working, so those that do NOT work, but could, do NOT have a right to the BEST, only what they actually need to survive.
Old 06-30-2003, 09:06 AM
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Originally posted by Habibi

I'm fresh out of compassion for all these aholes. Foch em.


AMEN !!!!!!

Old 06-30-2003, 08:09 PM
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Sorry Nick but the far right has NOT extended our indebtedness. The liberals have done so and have done very well at it for years. You want a balanced budget? Great, what give away programs can we cut first? How about welfare, then Medicaid, sorry but when someone’s poor kids gets the sniffles and mom or dad or to stupid to realize it is NOT an emergency then they pay the emergency room bill on their own, or just go get junior some cold medicine. I will tell you want you cut that program so they don’t go to the emergency room for everything and you won’t just have a balanced budget you will have a surplus and YES I would like another round of tax cuts.

Sorry 01XLT Sport,
This spring the far right did increase our debt ceiling by 1 trillion dollars and then they pushed through a tax cut. That is indisputable. It cannot be denied by anyone, it has happened.

Some of you guys act like anyone who ever recieved a little help from our government is some type of criminal. Well they are not. I have been fortunate enough to never need welfare and so has most of my family.

My brother worked six and seven days a week in a coal mine to support his family and try to save for retirement and college. When he was in his mid fortys his mine closed and he lost his job. He took his savings and went to college so he could be re- employed. Three weeks after his miners insurance lapsed he was diagnosed with a very rare bone disease. His savings depleted and with no insurance he was up a creek. The bone marrow transplants and resulting graph verses host ailments have left him unable to drive, nearly blind, permenent vertigo and about a hundred other problems.

He gets a disability check from our government that keeps clothes on his kids and some food on the table. He has help from his family that allows him to travel 115 mile round trips four times weekly to see the medical personnal that keep him alive. I do not think any of the chest thumping writers here who want to throw everyone into the street could last two weeks in his shoes and thats when he was healthy.

I am all for a program designed to weed out the cheaters. But if you want to eliminate programs that help the truly deserving then we will forever disagree, even if it meant civil war.

One other note. When Reagan; an actor took, over from Carter; a nuclear physicist who served in our Navy, our National debt was well under 1 TRILLION DOLLARS. When Clinton; an ex Governor took over from Bush; ex CIA, our Debt was nearly 6 TRILLION dollars. Most of that was spent on our military and a lot of it was justified. Our nations debts cannot truthfully be pinned to any one party.

Many poor take their kids to the emergency room because it is the ONLY alternative they have. And many of our Seniors desperatly depend on Social Security and Medicare. They are the Generation that sacrificed through ten and fifteen years of depression and then years of war to let us have the life we enjoy now. So, are you suggesting we turn our backs on them also.
Old 06-30-2003, 08:43 PM
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Teachers Union OUT, make it illegal, create a law that REQUIRES teachers to pass proficiency test in the subjects they teach each year or every two years. There are a lot of stupid teachers out there that don’t know their *** from a hole in the ground. Why do you think private schools far surpass the public schools? Because they are held to much higher standard.

01 XLT Sport,
Do you take a written profeciency test every year to keep your job? Yes there are SOME teachers that need to be moved to other things but most of them do a pretty good job considering what they have to work with. One very big reason private schools have a better rating is because they can pick and choose who they let in. Public systems MUST accept everyone, even if they are so handicapped they cannot speak or feed themselves. Do you have any idea what a drain on resources just two or three special needs kids have on an entire district, especially rural ones with little income base.

Without a Union any good teacher can be fired for any reason,including a personality conflict with a new administrator even if the administrater proves to be a hack. I saw it with my own eyes when I was a kid. reform yes, do away with, no.

I would like to see Bush take a proficiency test. History, Geography, English, Writing, Philosophy, Deductive reasoning.... ect... If he scored over 60% I would give everyone who ever visited this thread 10 dollars.
Old 06-30-2003, 10:19 PM
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Ok here is my take on it.

Liberials have not done the US any favors with all of their pork spending and give away programs. They seem to take the approach of tax more and spend more.

However the Right hasn't done any better with their slightly lower spending and all too often goofy tax cuts.
They don't seem to understand the fact that you can not cut your tax revenue without at the same time cutting your spending by an amount that is nearly equal. Yes I said nearly equal because when taxes are reduced, tax revenue goes up as the people with the money spend the money. Not quite that simple but that is the jest of it.

No one seems to understand that people do not need to be babied from cradle to grave. People for the most part want to do it on their own.

Again, this is just my .02

Old 06-30-2003, 10:55 PM
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You are absolutely right, and just what President Reagan knew for a fact which is:

Cut taxes and tax revenues goes UP, WAY UP…

The problem in President Reagan’s time is the democrats and liberals controlled both houses and spent every dime of all the extra tax revenue as well as put us deeply in debt.

If it was not for President Reagan there would have been no 90’s like Clinton got to sit around and watch. Clinton just sat and did nothing except to spend away the money and then handed President Bush the Clinton recession
Old 06-30-2003, 11:10 PM
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Originally posted by Nick D.
Sorry 01XLT Sport,
This spring the far right did increase our debt ceiling by 1 trillion dollars and then they pushed through a tax cut. That is indisputable. It cannot be denied by anyone, it has happened.
You are absolutely correct. There are a few reasons for this debt. First and foremost is Clinton’s recession. Second there was 9/11 that is where some really bad guys flew jets into very tall buildings because they didn’t like America. After that happen many of American’s became scared and when they become scared they hoard their money. Since they are not spending it cause even further debt to America. Third, since there was an act of war committed against America we had to act. That cost money a lot of money and that is really the only purpose there is a federal budget to fund our military, all the rest is extra and NOT in the Constitution. Therefore “if” it took every single dollar coming into the federal budget then so be it and all other programs should be cancelled.

Originally posted by Nick D.
Some of you guys act like anyone who ever received a little help from our government is some type of criminal. Well they are not. I have been fortunate enough to never need welfare and so has most of my family.
No, not anyone, not those that really need it due to health or injury or old age. Those that receive something from the government that can work or do something in return for the check are those that I frown upon. The drug addicts, the alcoholics none deserve one dime unless they are FORCED into a program to dry out. If they don’t want to enroll into a mandated program then take them out to the desert somewhere so we don’t have to look at their sorry ***. Once that is done and people know there are consequences to their actions peoples behavior WILL change.

As for you brother and his situation I have NO problems have my tax dollars going to him. That type of program I would support till the day I die.

Originally posted by Nick D.
Many poor take their kids to the emergency room because it is the ONLY alternative they have. And many of our Seniors desperatly depend on Social Security and Medicare. They are the Generation that sacrificed through ten and fifteen years of depression and then years of war to let us have the life we enjoy now. So, are you suggesting we turn our backs on them also.
No, it is not the only alternative they have. They have access to regular medical care like everyone else does. They can make appointment to see a family type of physician, or even the state type clinics. Most do not choose to do so because it interferes with their TV time, or what ever else they are doing. For some reason they seem to think they are too good to sit on their *** in a doctor’s waiting room for a few hours.
Old 06-30-2003, 11:21 PM
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Originally posted by Nick D.
01 XLT Sport,
Do you take a written proficiency test every year to keep your job?
No, I do not take one every year. I take one every day, every week, every month. If I do not perform up to par I am out in the streets it is as simple as that and should be the same for teachers. If they are good and know what they are doing they have nothing to worry about.

Originally posted by Nick D.
Yes there are SOME teachers that need to be moved to other things but most of them do a pretty good job considering what they have to work with.
The reason they have what they have to work with is because of the liberals and the teacher unions themselves. They are a HUGE bureaucratic mess with sucks up a lot of the money. Get rid of the union and most if not all of the bureaucratic mess goes as way as well.

Originally posted by Nick D.
Without a Union any good teacher can be fired for any reason,including a personality conflict with a new administrator even if the administrater proves to be a hack. I saw it with my own eyes when I was a kid. reform yes, do away with, no.
Sorry the union agreement does not fly. I am not in a union and neither are millions of other Americans working and busting their *** everyday. There are laws on the books that protect people from just being fired without cause. Will it still happen at times? Very possible it will because nothing will be perfect.

Originally posted by Nick D.
I would like to see Bush take a proficiency test. History, Geography, English, Writing, Philosophy, Deductive reasoning.... ect... If he scored over 60% I would give everyone who ever visited this thread 10 dollars.
Why? He has already passed the test. Gore failed and so did Clinton. The only thing Clinton left was a recession and the fact that he just let Bin Laden go 3 times when he had a chance to have the guy. Just let him go, that is major failure…

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