So The Poor Doesnt Pay Taxes?

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Old 07-01-2003, 12:10 PM
captainoblivious's Avatar
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Originally posted by Nick D.
...Without a Union any good teacher can be fired for any reason,including a personality conflict with a new administrator even if the administrater proves to be a hack. I saw it with my own eyes when I was a kid. reform yes, do away with, no...
And with a Union any bad teacher can be kept on for X amount of years.

Like 01 said, there are tons of laws out there in place to protect people from being fired. Unfortunately they also protect the bad. Companies need to have documentation on the bad employee, contact legal staff, etc. all to cover their *** before firing a bad employee. If all precautions are not done, they (employee) can sue and will most likely win. Employers know and fear this.

Tell me who is a better worker:
one who puts in the bare minimum of his job requirements
one who isn't afraid to go above and beyond their minimum requirements

Same thing with teachers apply:
one who puts in the bare minimum of their job requirements so the union will protect them
one who isn't afraid to go above and beyond their minimum requirements

If unions are gone, sure a few good teachers will be endangered, but the chance to get rid of bad eggs will easier to do. The problem is not with teachers, it's not with enough cash flow. The problem is with parents not doing there job, students not willing to learn, school boards hogging up all the reform money, school boards starting curiculums (sp?) to teach kids how to pass mandatory state tests, not give them the knowledge they need to pass. You want reform, start there.
Old 07-01-2003, 04:36 PM
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Originally posted by captainoblivious
If unions are gone, sure a few good teachers will be endangered, but the chance to get rid of bad eggs will easier to do. The problem is not with teachers, it's not with enough cash flow. The problem is with parents not doing there job, students not willing to learn, school boards hogging up all the reform money, school boards starting curiculums (sp?) to teach kids how to pass mandatory state tests, not give them the knowledge they need to pass. You want reform, start there.
You bring up a very good point. The problem is not with the teachers (for the vast majority of them) there is ABSOULETY no problem with money because there is more money then is needed.

The problem is with many parents, but I myself would go farther then just parents it is also the union and the bureaucratic mess made up by a vast majority of liberal thinking and uneducated people in my opinion.

Parent’s aside, for the moment, the vast makeup of the bureaucratic school system is hypocritical. On one had they make statements of how they need more and more money for the education system then on the other hand they try and usually are successful in dumbing down our kids. They try to do away with grading so everyone feels “equal” with one another, so the really stupid kid feels good about how stupid he is because he got a passing “mark” (for D work) like another child got a passing “mark” (for A work).

My question would be since they want to make all the children the same, either pass or fail, nothing which makes those that deserve to stand out stand out by saying little Johnny is very smart is has an A, little Steve is average with a C and little Joey is stupid with an F and will repeat his grade next year, no moving up for little Joey because that is how the REAL world works. The question would be "why more money"?

I don’t recall what state, I believe it was right here in New Hampshire somewhere where the school board FORCED a school to STOP offering advanced English (I believe) why you may ask? Because ALL the kids in that grade were not eligible. Why were they not eligible? Dooh, because “advanced” usually means only those that are ABOVE average would make it into the class. So since EVERYONE was not on an equal footing the school board decided it best to NOT offer the course because it MIGHT make some kids feel bad.

SO WHAT, so what if some kids feel bad because they are not smart enough to make it into that type of class. It is designed to help those above average EXCELL. There are many upon many of programs for the STUPID kids, so why not some for the smart ones, oh that’s right “feelings”

School’s MAIN objective is to PREPARE children to enter into the REAL society, the REAL world if you will. Well in the real world you ARE graded everyday and the only thing the school system is doing now is delaying the inevitable that there will be a LOT more people who will NOT make it in life because NOBODY cared for them while they were children and try to give them a leg up.

Goes right back to my point about liberals they do NOT care about children, they do NOT care about minorities, they do NOT care about women, they do NOT care about helping one person to succeed in life.

They only care about HOLDING people BACK so as to maintain their POWER over them.

On top of that they are not real concerned about even teaching them anything that has any truth in it. If history doesn’t portray what they want, they have the history books rewritten to portray it as they see fit. Forget about reality, it is about what they think reality “should have been”.

They want to teach little Carrie that some people have 2 mom’s and little Johnny that some people have 2 dad’s. There is NO reason to have that crap in school, first because it is WRONG in the first place, in my opinion, so it does not belong in school.

Now, I believe in God and the bible, and I will be the first to say it does NOT belong in public schools, because there are some people who don’t believe it or feel that it is wrong to be in school, no problem with that. But you need to be consistent with policy. If you’re not going to teach about God, then your not going to teach about weird and wrong behaviors that the MAJORITY believe is wrong and weird.

If there is a big demand for weird and wrong behaviors to be taught then the liberals should open their own private schools and let people bring their kids there, just like the religious private schools, or other types of private schools.

That is what is wrong with our school systems, NOT money, but the benefit of what is taught and by whom it is taught by. There is absolutely no benefit to teaching someone there are some people who live weird lives. How does that help someone succeed in life? It doesn’t except they know there are a few fruitcakes out there.

If there is someone that truly believes that belongs in school’s then you must also agree it is ok to teach about God, to teach what Moti was spewing, and any number of “society issues” you may not like.

School is to learn how to READ, WRITE, MATHMATICS, HISTORY, SCIENCE, and the Government and how it actually operates. There should also be a few other subjects taught and required before a kid graduates from high school, in my opinion, it should be what the Constitution actually states (not what someone thinks, just what is written) and left for the kid to decide how they want to interrupt it and with that how to actually budget their finances.

That one might really blow their mind if they learn how to budget their own finances then learn about American government (both democrats and republicans and how they CAN’T budget).

Last edited by 01 XLT Sport; 07-01-2003 at 04:38 PM.

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