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Old 01-06-2004, 01:13 PM
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The next ten months are going to be a lot of fun!

FNC is the funniest show on TV.
Old 01-06-2004, 01:43 PM
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The Patriot Acts are not executive orders, Frank
What turnip truck did you just fall off of. No schit. More the fodder for me. Democrats actually helped pass the patriot act. Thats my point, get it? lmao. Do you know what an executive order is? They become law after 60 days if not challenged by congress. If so, go look up what Clintoon signed into law from 1996-2001. Some of them are VERY much like some of the things included in the patriot act, long before 9/11. That's the difference between you and I. I can admit when something is not right because I am not a shill for any party. You obviously are.

Last edited by Frank S; 01-06-2004 at 01:45 PM.
Old 01-06-2004, 01:48 PM
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FNC is the funniest show on TV
Actually, you'll get more truth out of them than CNN or MSNBC. Might not agree with their commentaries sometimes, but they do offer another perspective you will rarely get on CNN.
Old 01-06-2004, 02:46 PM
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Seems those against Bush pick the wrong issues to cry about.
Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
...especially that stupid social program (free drugs for grandma) that is going to cost over 400 billion dollars that I have yet to hear one liberal whine about… (Well some of them are whining a bit, “it’s not enough, it’s not enough” funny I didn’t hear any of them ask “How much is it going to cost us?”)
But that drug program you can also put alot of blame on the younger generation, basically going back to what I and Frank stated on page 1. Is there a better way to get votes from the older generation then by helping them to get medicine.

Personally I think we need some rich person with no affiliation to any party and a clean background to get into presidency. Anyone found that winning lottery ticket and want to give it to me
Old 01-06-2004, 03:04 PM
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The problem I have is what we have done since Afghanistan. Instead of giving these countries a little time to get their act together and realize that we meant business, we have now made them desperate. "It doesn't matter what we do, the US is going to attack us anyway."
i am out gunned in the information here but i have one question in reference to the above statement.

what is the USA's position with Lybia in the past and present.

i believe that Sadam was given a time frame to comply and i think enough time was given. how long was he given and did we attack without notice?

While i was young I remember the feeling when we had prisoners in Iran. It seemed the whole country felt beat.
Old 01-06-2004, 03:22 PM
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Originally posted by sirket
The problem I have is what we have done since Afghanistan. Instead of giving these countries a little time to get their act together and realize that we meant business, we have now made them desperate. "It doesn't matter what we do, the US is going to attack us anyway."
How much time do you give a country to get their act together when they have been told by the world body (UN) to do so? Is over 10 years not enough time?

Desperate is good, look at Libya, they have seen the light…

For those of you that continue to whine that Saddam was not a danger to America I ask this simple question:

A man is standing right in front of you and you are unarmed. The man has the ability to shoot you. The man’s gun is from Afghanistan and the bullets are from Iraq, which is more dangerous? The actual gun from Afghanistan or the bullet from Iraq that can and will kill you?
Old 01-06-2004, 04:31 PM
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Desperate is good, look at Libya, they have seen the light…
Desperate people do desperate things. Desperate people are the reason the National Guard in New York went around with Atropine last week. They honestly believed there would be a N/B/C attack.

You may feel safer but I certainly don't.


Last edited by sirket; 01-06-2004 at 04:35 PM.
Old 01-06-2004, 04:34 PM
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What kills me is that everyone here is happy to invade middle eastern countries, but no one is calling for the invasion or North Korea.

This is a country that has been ignoring the UN for years, actually has a nuclear program and the missiles to deliver the warheads, and is run by a crazy man.

The only reason we invaded Iraq was oil. It had nothign to do with terrorism, and we are not safer now that Hussein has been caught.

Old 01-06-2004, 04:37 PM
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A man is standing right in front of you and you are unarmed. The man has the ability to shoot you. The man’s gun is from Afghanistan and the bullets are from Iraq, which is more dangerous? The actual gun from Afghanistan or the bullet from Iraq that can and will kill you?

A man is walking down the street. He sees a man walking towards him. He says to himself " I think that guy has a gun and when he gets to me he's going to shoot me. I just know it. By damn I'm gonna shoot him first 'cause I just know he's got that gun and I know exactly where it is. It's in his jacket pocket and I just know he's gonna shoot me with it so I'm gonna get him first." So, the man pulls out his own gun and shoots the other guy and says to himself " there, I got him before he could get me" The police show up and search the dead man. As it turns out the dead guy has no gun in his pocket, so the shooter says to the cops " So what if he has no gun, he was beats up his wife and kids all the time so I did the right thing and he deserved to die". The cop says " tell it to the judge" which he does. The judge says " tough crackers dude. You shot an unarmed man and now you're going to pay the price. It doesn't matter if you thought he had a gun or if he beats his kids, we have a system of laws and deterrents in place to deal with his type and you went outside the acceptable boudaries and took the law into your own hands. Even if he had a gun in his pocket he did not try to shoot you with it. You assumed he was going to and shot him instead. Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200".
Old 01-06-2004, 04:38 PM
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The only reason we invaded Iraq was oil
Not true. That's your opinion, not fact.

What kills me is that everyone here is happy to invade middle eastern countries, but no one is calling for the invasion or North Korea
N. Korea just likes to rattle their saber every now and then. I for one believe N. Korea can be diplomatically controlled, with/without their nukes. They are afraid that they may be next to be dealt with since we took out Saddam.
Old 01-06-2004, 04:39 PM
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Yes, the Guard did have Atrophine at their disposal but, it isn't the only protection from an NBC attack.

You can make a protective cap from aluminum foil and wear it under a hat so no one will know you're scared.

It does work.
Have you ever seen a dead person with aluminum foil on their head?

I only wear it when we go Orange.
Yellow seems almost a happy safe time of long ago now.
Old 01-06-2004, 04:44 PM
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So on one hand due partly to fear you have one side stepping over the lines as per the Constitution, then you have the other side (Thank God will not get elected to office this time around, sorry Deany boy) that would love to trash the Constitution and if they could have their way turn this country into some kind of wuss *** country like France and make us socialist, everybody gets everything free LOL and then make us weak by tearing down our military…

I don't get it. Most of the words out of your mouth are Libertarian, but you don't want to vote for the one Libertarian running...

I am curious: Which issues you disagree with Dean on? You seem to hate Dean. Not the politics but the person. Is there a particular reason? (I am neither for nor against Dean, just curious why you feel the way you do).

As for the rest of your comment, well I honestly don't know what to say. You seem to believe that power still resides in guns. A fraction of our military could obliterate most of the world with little or no effort. How many SSBN's do we need? What good does a military do against a bunch of goat herders willing to die for their cause?

A strong military has not helped Israel achieve peace despite years of trying. This country is headed in the exact same direction and it saddens me.

The fact is, real power is derived from economic strength, not military strength. Switzerland figured that out centuries ago. Why haven't we?

Old 01-06-2004, 04:48 PM
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Originally posted by Raoul
Yes, the Guard did have Atrophine at their disposal but, it isn't the only protection from an NBC attack.

You can make a protective cap from aluminum foil and wear it under a hat so no one will know you're scared.
This is exactly what a friend of mine who is a NYC paramedic told me! I didn't believe him at the time but since you have confirmed it, it must be true!

Oh look at the time! I have to go back to watching documentaries like Joe Millionaire, Temptation Island and Fox News Channel.


Last edited by sirket; 01-06-2004 at 04:55 PM.
Old 01-06-2004, 04:59 PM
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You may feel safer but I certainly don't.
after 9/11 i dont know that i will ever feel truley safe again, if it taught us anything it taught that warfare and national security have changed. change or die.

i might be showing my a$$ here but didnt the US beat England ,who was much stonger, by changing the rules and fighting different than was done at the time. England was probably so bogged down in traditions and government that it was unable to change and therefore had their A$$ handed to them.

i think i read that Lybia negotiated for about 9 months (dosent sold to desperate), maybe they just didnt want the US looking at them when they asked "Who is Next"
Old 01-06-2004, 05:03 PM
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Again read the Constitution and you will find reference to that as well, ok here is a free one, don’t quote me since I don’t have my Constitution in front of me. It makes reference to the fact that anything NOT addressed in the Constitution is delegated to the States to handle and decide)
It is the 10th amendment and it specifically states:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

As for how this relates to abortion, well, who cares. You can sit there and argue biology all day long whereas for me it simply comes down to keeping the government (state or federal) out of my life and my body.


Quick Reply: For those of you who still care about freedom in this country

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