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Old 01-07-2004, 01:21 PM
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Lierberman is a Republican in sheeps clothing and every self respecting Democrat knows it
And an honorable Democrat at that. What's wrong with that? He would get my vote if he gets the nomination.
Old 01-07-2004, 01:22 PM
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Originally posted by Frank S
I see you added much info to the discussion. This is obviously over your head.
you've just made my point. Thanks
Old 01-07-2004, 01:26 PM
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you've just made my point. Thanks
And you mine. Ty.
Old 01-07-2004, 01:27 PM
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Originally posted by Frank S
As compared to what you just wrote?
I think my spelling is all there and my commas are where they're supposed to be, so, what's yer point?
Old 01-07-2004, 01:30 PM
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I think my spelling is all there
It's called spellcheck. Get it.
Old 01-07-2004, 01:31 PM
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I'm getting confused, did someone accuse someone else of having a pointed head?
Old 01-07-2004, 01:33 PM
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I'm getting confused, did someone accuse soemone else of having a pointed head
It wasn't me, i swear.
Old 01-07-2004, 01:37 PM
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Wasn't it Raoul that made a comment about a thread feeling like turd in a downward spiral?

"I think my spelling is all there and my commas are where they're supposed to be, so, what's yer point?" It's funny that when all else fails perfect spelling and grammar makes a person superior. Elitism is so grand.
Old 01-07-2004, 01:38 PM
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I've already decided who I'm voting for anyways.
I'm voting for the guy that showed his Pie Chart on the radio show.

It was very informative and he is a forward thinking individual.
I'm probably the only one who saw it because the rest of you are too damn lazy to put your aluminum foil caps on.
Old 01-07-2004, 01:39 PM
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Originally posted by Raoul
I'm getting confused, did someone accuse someone else of having a pointed head?
Well, I may have commented about somebody having a pointed....well, nevermind.
Old 01-07-2004, 02:07 PM
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Couple more thoughts.

It is the job of the Congress to make laws, the job of the Executive branch to enforce the laws, soooo that leaves the Judicial branch to do what. Interpret the laws and determine if they are against the Constitution. If thelaws passed are illegal so what it will come out in the wash and the conviction will be overturned and the law recinded. Every hear of Rooseveldt and the depression. most of his job plans were declared unconstitutional. Once they we delcared that the program folded and a new one was passed.

As far as Albaina, my mistake I keep frogetting it was Serbia. I guess deploying to Albania keeps me confused. If that was "Wag-the-Dog" then I should be very upset having to spend time away from my family and losing massive amount of weight, living in a tent pitched in what became a swamp. Never mind the missions to in support of convoys transporting humanitarian relief.

As far a UN support I forgot we didn't have any support after 9-11. Granted we did not have UN support for the war in Iraq, but we know that and what is your point. I heard many people state the US took much power away from the UN by acting on it's own. My opinion is the UN gave that power up by not standing behind it's ultimatums.

Turkey has done a good job, the last time I checked in dismantleing the PKK. Like I said-- the last time I checked. I saw the PKK conduct numerous attacks, and the Turkish government basically destroy them. Their tactics were similar to Delta force in their cities, checkpoints, and other violations of US civil rights. The reason the US did not complain is it was the only way to keep a government in power. If the Turkish government had used a legal system similar to ours then they would not have done as well and would still be fighting a very well organized terrorist group.

We did not invade N. Korea because Mr. Clinton was in office and had signed a treaty giving them food and oil for not developing nukes. I seem to remember N. Korea just recently coming out and say hey by the way we got nukes and we'll get rid of them if you sign this treaty with us. I don't think they just suddenly we able to build them without some lengthy research which would have to date back to the Clinton era.

As far as the Atropin goes, and this is personal opinion, if one is called up and issued chemical suits the Atropin should be issued at the same time. When I was in the military they went hand-in-hand. If the leadership felt the need to issue chem suits the drugs went with it. Common sense dictates that if there is a call up to support anti-terrorism missions that a chem suit would be a wise item to issue.

Oh yea one more thing someone stated htat Mohammad Atta was stopped and issued a traffic citation and if we had some kind of database to measure expired visa's he could have been deported. I disagree with this statement whole-heartedly. I have worked with the INS and had the opportunity to detain many illegal aliens. When they were reported to the INS we were told "If you don't have five illegals" do not call us we will not come out." Later I was working with some INS agents who basically stated they were so overwhelmed that they were ineffective as an organization.

Last edited by 1depd; 01-07-2004 at 02:19 PM.
Old 01-07-2004, 02:12 PM
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Originally posted by Frank S
It's called spellcheck. Get it.
I just went back through my post and saw no spelling mistakes, only an accidentally ommitted word. Sorry, these things happen.
Ain't never yused spelchek cuz I don' knead it. I stayed awake in school, for the most part.
Old 01-07-2004, 02:53 PM
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If there was one rule we should try to adhere to on this board it's:


Very seldom is there a post over 5 or 6 sentences that doesn't contain an error of grammar or spelling. Rarely is the point of the post compromised by either. Most of these errors can be corrected by careful proofreading, but who wants to do that on a site that is used primarily for entertainment.

So let's pass on the grammar and spelling comments.

BTW, this thread is extremely informative and interesting.
Old 01-07-2004, 03:03 PM
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Serotta: Sometimes I just can't help myself and need to give a tug on the pitbulls chain once in a while. I'll try real hard to leave my so-called "elitism" in the drawer from now on. I think you're smart to stay above the fray on this one. Your posts tend to be well thought out and I enjoy reading them.

Ciao for niao kids. Gotta make a living sometimes y'know. Great thread!!
Old 01-07-2004, 04:03 PM
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Geez you guys are posting so much I can't keep up here.

Originally posted by sirket
The point behind the war wasn't that the US could get cheap oil, but that Haliburton and the Oil companies would make a lot of money selling it _after_ we conquered Iraq.
It wasn't Haliburton and the Oil companies that gave the orders to invade Iraq. As it stands without any proof this falls under the tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theories.

I give you credit though, because that theory is much better then "we're there for the oil" argument that everyone throws up and has no clue about.

Originally posted by billycouldride
not to rehash old posts, but, it was not individuals from iraq carrying out the terrorist acts. if there was no iraq, the towers would still have been destroyed
That goes in with sirket's stance that Iraq wasn't/shouldn't have been a high target on the 'take out' list.

Many of us disagree with that because Iraq harbored and supported terrorists. In American law trying to hide a criminal from the cops gets the hider in trouble also. It's no different with terrorists.,2933,103163,00.html

Was Iraq the best place to start? Maybe not.
Was the timing good? IMO no.
Did Iraq need to have Saddam taken out? Yes

Originally posted by sirket
In fact, Dean is primarily concerned with repealing the tax cuts, not raising taxes.
Do you really think that will help the economy? Bush gave tax cuts which are helping to turn the economy around, why get rid of them?

My gripe with Bush, is put the war aside and he's still a big spender. That drug bill is proof, and we all agree it needs to go.

As for the Patriot Act you are acting (saying) like it's taking away all of our freedoms. There are still checks and balances all over the system. Shady stuff is always going to happen as there are always corrupt people and things are open to different interpretation.

Does that mean I agree with the people be held and not charged and not allowed to talk to lawyers. No.

Do I think the Patriot Act is going destroy our rights? No. That is going happen from the large group of people who want everyone else to take responsibility for their actions.

Hell, the gun laws (mostly state) have done more damage to the Bill of Rights then you are claiming the PA will. Just look at NJ gun laws to see what we have to abide by in our 'right to bear arms'.

Quick Reply: For those of you who still care about freedom in this country

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