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Old 01-07-2004, 04:49 PM
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Originally posted by captainoblivious
Hell, the gun laws (mostly state) have done more damage to the Bill of Rights then you are claiming the PA will. Just look at NJ gun laws to see what we have to abide by in our 'right to bear arms'.
That is a great example of how liberals and democrats in general are tearing up the bill of rights as we know it, well before President Bush ever got into office and President Bush is not tearing up the Bill of Rights but rather protecting more so then the prior liberal democrat President that was in office for 8 years…

Originally posted by sirket
In fact, Dean is primarily concerned with repealing the tax cuts, not raising taxes.
Time for an education in math, when someone “repels” tax cuts they in FACT RAISE taxes. It is very simple as simple as 2 + 2 = 4

If the tax cut is repelled it will mean I will pay more taxes, that equals a tax hike. It has been proven time and time again when you raise taxes you slow the economy, you lose jobs and you have less federal revenue. That was recently proven out by Clinton and why Clinton handed over to President Bush the “Clinton” recession…

When you cut taxes as President Bush has it grows the economy, it creates jobs and it brings in more federal revenue, which has been proven time and time again. President Kennedy, President Reagan and now President Bush have successfully demonstrated that very simple fact of life…

Here is the thing, if all you liberals are so hard core for raising taxes there really is no need to. Rather then just spewing it from your mouths why don’t you walk the walk and send in what you “believe” you should actually be paying in taxes.

Here is the catch, not one of you liberals will because for liberals it is the “thought” that counts and not the “action”, liberals are all talk and no action, they do not “truly” believe in the principles they spew, and they ALWAYS believe it is up to someone else to take care of it and not them. This is why liberals do NOT believe in “personal responsibility”…
Old 01-07-2004, 05:03 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport

A man is standing in front of you with a loaded gun. You are unarmed, so which is more dangerous, the gun from Afghanistan or the bullet that is from Iraq?

that would actually be a Libyan firearm with a Pakistani bullet.

the truth is... Bush was right when he lumped all of those terror sponsoring nations in together. Why? Because they are! They sell arms to each other.
Old 01-07-2004, 05:07 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport

President Kennedy, President Reagan and now President Bush have successfully demonstrated that very simple fact of life…

not only them, but every industrialized nation in the world has proven that tax cuts give the economy a kick in the behind.
Old 01-07-2004, 05:10 PM
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Originally posted by sirket

Prior post by 01 XLT Sport:
It is the liberals and democrats who have our education system so screwed up, it is liberals who tell poor inner city kids “tough chit” if you get a good education or not, we (the liberals) are only here to help the “teachers” in the inner city and could give a rat’s *** about you scumbag kids…
Wow. I have no idea where you get some of these ideas from. You also probably think school vouchers are a good idea.
Yes I absolutely support school vouchers because it is all about accountability that you liberals are so fearful of. Public schools are like a business, if the business is failing then time to shut it down and fire the management…

Liberals hate the idea about school vouchers because that is what the Teachers Union told them to HATE. It is actually the public school administrators including many teachers that absolutely fear the possibility of school vouchers. God forbid they have to actually do their job and prove they are qualified to continue their employment.

A teacher is one of the most important jobs there is, not any different then a doctor, or EMT. I do not want a substandard doctor or EMT working on me if the need should arise, so why should it be any different for teachers and the education system itself.

The excellent teachers of which the vast majority are have absolutely nothing to worry about if their union was disassembled because those that are worth it will have continued employment and those that are below standards, which are few, will be fired on the spot.

In the inner cities where many schools are well below standard they either get themselves up to par quickly or they should be shut down and replaced by private schools which have been proven time and time again to far exceed any public school.

Most inner cities are where the minorities live and go to school so why is it that liberals continue their racism in the inner cities? Why are minority children NOT allowed the same opportunities as the liberals in power in government who, for the most part, if not all of them, send their children to private schools?

One of the very first steps to help solve most of the differences between races is to give every race an equal opportunity to succeed, and school is where one receives the basic tools to succeed.

God forbid we give minorities an equal opportunity to succeed that would take away half the organizations that are ran by liberals, like Rainbow Push for one. Again another example of how for liberals “power” overrules what is good for America…
Old 01-07-2004, 05:46 PM
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Originally posted by arrbilly
I just went back through my post and saw no spelling mistakes, only an accidentally ommitted word. Sorry, these things happen.
Ain't never yused spelchek cuz I don' knead it. I stayed awake in school, for the most part.
damn! Made a spelling mistake. OOPS Too bad there isn't a foot-in- mouth smiley
Old 01-07-2004, 06:42 PM
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Originally posted by arrbilly
damn! Made a spelling mistake. OOPS Too bad there isn't a foot-in- mouth smiley
Don’t sweat the spelling or grammar mistakes it a very easy thing to do…
Old 01-07-2004, 07:15 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
Wow. I have no idea where you get some of these ideas from. You also probably think school vouchers are a good idea.

Yes I absolutely support school vouchers because it is all about accountability that you liberals are so fearful of. Public schools are like a business, if the business is failing then time to shut it down and fire the management…

A teacher is one of the most important jobs there is, not any different then a doctor, or EMT. I do not want a substandard doctor or EMT working on me if the need should arise, so why should it be any different for teachers and the education system itself.

The excellent teachers of which the vast majority are have absolutely nothing to worry about if their union was disassembled because those that are worth it will have continued employment and those that are below standards, which are few, will be fired on the spot.

As long as the starting pay for teachers is hovering around 25,000 dollar per year and after 30 years you may make 55,000 dollars per year you will continue to get sub-standard teachers and administrators.
Vouchers might be a good idea, but lots of the money for vouchers goes to teachers and administrators that couldn't "cut the mustard" in the public school sector, so they took their degree and gravitated toward the voucher driven Charter school world.

Now what was the topic of this thread?
Old 01-07-2004, 08:13 PM
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Originally posted by serotta
As long as the starting pay for teachers is hovering around 25,000 dollar per year and after 30 years you may make 55,000 dollars per year you will continue to get sub-standard teachers and administrators.
Vouchers might be a good idea, but lots of the money for vouchers goes to teachers and administrators that couldn't "cut the mustard" in the public school sector, so they took their degree and gravitated toward the voucher driven Charter school world.
I absolutely agree with you and should have addressed that in my prior post. Teachers deserve to be and should be a highly paid career…

I believe that by dismantling the current public school bureaucracy and the teacher’s union (no more guaranteed a job for life) it would free up a lot of the federal and state money that goes to education. At this time a good sum of that money is feed straight into the bureaucracy itself and never sees the schools or the teacher’s paycheck.

I think you could have a beginning wage of $40,000 and a guaranteed cost of living raise every year. In order to be eligible for a performance raise each year there would need to be a type of evaluation system in place to properly evaluate each teacher each year. You could have a pay raise range of say 0% to 5% depending on the individual teacher’s evaluation.

It’s nothing different then what is in the real world now for most people who are employed. If a teacher is evaluated where they would not qualify for a performance raise (0%) then there needs to be a system that is the same state wide that determines when a teacher should be warned about their job performance as well as how many warnings are required before a teacher is fired.

It’s all about accountability, for the vast majority of teacher’s it would be a good program that would insure they are paid for what they are actually worth rather then carry the few weak teachers that are responsible for seriously affecting one’s chances at opportunities after graduating from school…
Old 01-07-2004, 08:14 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
Don’t sweat the spelling or grammar mistakes it a very easy thing to do…
01: I can't help sweating the spelling thing as it's just one of those little idiosyncrasies with me. I've always been very good at it and it drives me nuts when I make a mistake!! Especially when I've been making fun of other people about it. I suppose I could just chalk it up to being a typo, but, I won't take the easy way out.
Old 01-07-2004, 08:19 PM
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Originally posted by arrbilly
I won't take the easy way out.
Well, that sounds a little like “personal responsibility”, “accountability” and “good moral values”, could it be???

Could it be that perhaps you’re on your way to a “conservative” beginning???

Now you know I couldn’t let that one go…
Old 01-07-2004, 08:38 PM
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I asked you a simple question and got a tome in response.

Here it is again:
Should the FBI be allowed to subpoena records without judicial oversight?

"To get the records, the FBI doesn't have to appear before a judge, nor demonstrate "probable cause" - reason to believe that the targeted client is involved in criminal or terrorist activity."

Old 01-07-2004, 08:38 PM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport

Could it be that perhaps you’re on your way to a “conservative” beginning???

I think you'd be surprised at some of my views. Conservative or Liberal hasn't much to do with it.

Old 01-07-2004, 08:46 PM
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As long as the starting pay for teachers is hovering around 25,000 dollar per year and after 30 years you may make 55,000 dollars per year you will continue to get sub-standard teachers and administrators
Teachers in GA that have a bachelors make nearly 70K a year with less than 20 years exp. It all depends on what school system you work for. Besides, why should a teacher make more than that? It is not a 52 week a year job.
Old 01-07-2004, 08:53 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
Now if you actually mean subpoenas, then what is so bad about that? They give you a subpoena and you go to court it’s done everyday in America
I did not say "hand out" a subpoena, I said issue one- as in the way a judge issues a subpoena to the FBI to search someone's property.

I have already clarified my question and re-asked it.

You sound more and more like a Dean supporter every day with ”They are destroying half of the Bill of Rights” well then please point out which ones and just how are they doing that?
I have tried numerous times but you are unwilling to believe me.

Sorry pal that is NOT the real world and that is NOT reality. Dean is a big *** wussy, he has no ***** and is a complete freaking coward and chickenchit. Does that clearly spell it out for you? Dean HATES the military and LOVES to put our military in danger every day in Iraq, I believe Dean loves to see the news when a soldier is killed because it feeds his hate and ego. Dean HATES America and what it stands for which is POWER. Dean would make us very weak and there would be many more terrorists’ attacks here in America if Dean were every President… Why you may ask? Because Dean is such a freaking wussy he would stand there and take it like the coward chickenchit he is…

Up until this post I thought you were a mature adult who simply disagreed with me on the issues. I can see, however, that you are really just an angry child.

You probably think Ghandi was a coward too.
(Before anyone berates me- I am not trying to compare Dean to Ghandi. I only point out that that war is not the only way to win a battle)

I know you hate Bush and hey that is your right, you have a right to be dead wrong about what is going on and our military has allowed you that right, our military has guaranteed you that right, and our military will continue to protect that right…
I do hate Bush, but at least I have reasons. You have completely failed to give me one reason that you hate Dean (or Kerry, or Clark, or any of the other candidates).

I have tried explaining why we are in Iraq and you seem to refuse to believe reality, oh well nothing I can do about that.
It isn't that I refuse to believe reality, I simply choose not accept your misguided interpretation of it.

Old 01-07-2004, 08:58 PM
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I do hate Bush,
That explains everything, he's a hater. As huge of a disgrace Bill Clinton was to this country, I don't HATE him, I pray for people like him.

Quick Reply: For those of you who still care about freedom in this country

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