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Old 01-07-2004, 09:04 PM
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Originally posted by serotta
If there was one rule we should try to adhere to on this board it's:

I normally agree with this. There are some things that just set me off though. These include people who make up words (and I don't mean by mispelling them), people who use words that they do not know the meaning of (trying to sound educated), and people who spell ridiculous as "rediculous"

Old 01-07-2004, 09:07 PM
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Originally posted by Frank S
...........Besides, why should a teacher make more than that? It is not a 52 week a year job.
Frank, you lead a sheltered life, follow a teacher for about a week and see what kind of hours they work, see how much money they spend out of their own pocket because the system doesn't provide proper or sufficient supplies to educate the children in that classroom.

Sure, they have their summers off. They are basically unemployed for two months, but can't draw unemployment money. They can't get a very good parttime job because all employers know they will be leaving in a month or so. The bills just keep coming in all this time. I can't imagine another profession that requires a 4 year degree and practically mandates a 6 year or advance degree expecting it's people to find parttime work to survive.

I haven't any proof to back it up, but I find it hard to believe there are very many systems in Georgia paying teachers with 20 years experience 70 G's a year.
Old 01-07-2004, 09:25 PM
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It wasn't Haliburton and the Oil companies that gave the orders to invade Iraq. As it stands without any proof this falls under the tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theories.
Bush, Cheney, Bush's family and much of Bush's cabinet are stock holders in Haliburton. When a person takes office they are supposed to sell off their assets in agencies with government contracts. This did not happen. You do the math.

Do you really think that will help the economy? Bush gave tax cuts which are helping to turn the economy around, why get rid of them?
Where did you say you got your degree in economics from?

Improving the economy is not as simple as a tax cut. You can believe what you want. Warren Buffet and Alan Greenspan are just two of many well respected economists (and a plethora of Republicans) who think the tax cuts were foolish.

Do I think the Patriot Act is going destroy our rights? No. That is going happen from the large group of people who want everyone else to take responsibility for their actions.
If there is one thing in this country that sickens me, it is people who try to claim "it's not my fault!"

If there is one thing that I believe in above all, it is personal accountability.

All of the parents who bitch that their kids' school sucks and then never go to parent teacher night, never volunteer, never help their kids with their homework all make me sick.

Hell, the gun laws (mostly state) have done more damage to the Bill of Rights then you are claiming the PA will. Just look at NJ gun laws to see what we have to abide by in our 'right to bear arms'.
You will get no argument from me here. I have long considered buying a house in PA or Vermont as both are Title 3 states.

The fact is, you aren't going to stop the gun control nuts. That's the main reason I like Howard Deans stance on gun control. Let the states do as they will. New Yorkers demand gun control, fine. People in Vermont want 20mm AA guns, fine.

Old 01-07-2004, 09:30 PM
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Frank, you lead a sheltered life, follow a teacher for about a week
My best friends' wife is a teacher with a Phd and makes approx. 75K a year here. She thinks her pay is fair. Of course everyone wants to make more money, but they make their living off the peoples taxes. As for the sheltered life comment, wrong again.
Old 01-07-2004, 09:32 PM
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They are basically unemployed for two months, but can't draw unemployment money. They can't get a very good parttime job because all employers know they will
Waaa freakin' waaaaa. What about all the people that have lost their jobs since 9/11? As you said, teachers are unemployed for 2 WHOLE MONTHS. You gotta like that! lmao.
Old 01-07-2004, 09:36 PM
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Originally posted by sirket
I normally agree with this. There are some things that just set me off though. These include people who make up words (and I don't mean by mispelling them), people who use words that they do not know the meaning of (trying to sound educated), and people who spell ridiculous as "rediculous"

Sorry Don, I just did a search on all my posts, and I can't find where I did it, but I apologize anyway. I'm sure I've done it. I actually agree with you on the making up words stuff trying to sound educated. But, you must admit red is a diculous color, and I don't mind when people contract it to reddiculous. It is however, unexcusable to leave out the second "d".


Old 01-07-2004, 09:44 PM
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Time for an education in math, when someone “repels” tax cuts they in FACT RAISE taxes. It is very simple as simple as 2 + 2 = 4
Ok, the word was spelled correctly in the sentence you just quoted. Then you go and misspell it twice. The word is repeal. Not repel. Not repell. This is the one other time that spelling mistakes drive me nuts. Sorry.

As for raising taxes, yes. But the tax cuts never should have happened in the first place as far as I (and countless economists) believe.

When you cut taxes as President Bush has it grows the economy, it creates jobs and it brings in more federal revenue, which has been proven time and time again. President Kennedy, President Reagan and now President Bush have successfully demonstrated that very simple fact of life…
The economy isn't nearly as simple as you believe it to be but there isn't much point in debating it so let's not.

Here is the thing, if all you liberals are so hard core for raising taxes there really is no need to.
Libertarian. Say it with me. Lib-er-tar-ian.

Old 01-07-2004, 09:56 PM
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The economy isn't nearly as simple as you believe it to be but there isn't much point in debating it so let's not.
Actually, it is simple. IF people have more money in their paychecks, they usually spend it. That increases demand, which increases employment. The rest, as they say, takes care of itself.
Old 01-07-2004, 10:00 PM
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Originally posted by sirket

Let's start out simple:
Do you think the FBI should be allowed to issue subpoenas without judicial oversight?

If you don't, then that is a principle on which you and Dean agree and you and Bush do not.

If you do believe that the FBI should be allowed to issue subpoenas, then one of us is living in the wrong country.

Here is my response to that “original” question:

Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
Let me try once again as simple as I can with you. Half of your prior response to my last post really made no sense at all but what the hell I’ll give it another try…

When you ask ”Should the FBI be allowed to issue subpoenas without judicial oversight?” do you mean carry out search warrants rather then subpoenas? If you do then I agree that the FBI should not be allowed to carry out search warrants on AMERICAN citizens without prior approval of a judge.

Now if you actually mean subpoenas, then what is so bad about that? They give you a subpoena and you go to court it’s done everyday in America, police do that everyday they pull someone over and write them a ticket for speeding. That is a subpoena to appear in court OR pay the fine as listed.

Last I knew there is no police with a judge as a passenger to oversee the police’s actions of “handing out a subpoena” so yes I think it is fine for the FBI to be allowed to bring people into court and ask them questions. Bring your lawyer if you wish but in any case if you have done nothing wrong and don’t plan on doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear…
Originally posted by sirket

I asked you a simple question and got a tome in response.

Here it is again:
Should the FBI be allowed to subpoena records without judicial oversight?

"To get the records, the FBI doesn't have to appear before a judge, nor demonstrate "probable cause" - reason to believe that the targeted client is involved in criminal or terrorist activity."

Well, I can understand why you may consider my response as “tome” you’re simply getting yourself confused by misleading people with your questions.

You ask one question and I respond, not to your liking so then you go and “reframe” the question to make it seem like it was your original to make my response look like it doesn’t make sense.

Typical liberal playbook, same with the “you haven’t explained why you disagree with Dean, or in your words, from your heart, why I “hate” Dean. Well you see my friend my values are not founded in hate, they are founded in sound logic, they come from my own mind, not things I read in papers or the internet, not something I watch and hear on TV and thus it is very simple and easy for me to remain consistent with my answers because they are truly “MY” views, my values and my own thoughts.

They are not founded in typical hate propaganda that many liberals base their views on and I don’t have to revert to asking the same questions over and over and over again that were answered the first time. If you are having difficulties comprehending some of my responses then please ask for clarification rather then asking the same question again accusing me of not answering when in fact you just simply couldn’t comprehend it…
Old 01-07-2004, 10:19 PM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
Time for an education in math, when someone “repels” tax cuts they in FACT RAISE taxes. It is very simple as simple as 2 + 2 = 4
Originally posted by sirket
Ok, the word was spelled correctly in the sentence you just quoted. Then you go and misspell it twice. The word is repeal. Not repel. Not repell. This is the one other time that spelling mistakes drive me nuts. Sorry.

As for raising taxes, yes. But the tax cuts never should have happened in the first place as far as I (and countless economists) believe.
Repel – To drive back, ward off or keep away – Repel…

Repeal – To withdraw – Repeal…

My “repel” is acceptable for the sentence since it is the actual view of the liberal democrats and their leader Dean. You see they do not simply want to withdraw them they want to keep them away, if possible “forever”. Though I don’t usually like doing this I have to say "I gotcha”

Anyway the “few” economists like yourself have “once again” been proven wrong about the tax cuts. They worked to get the economy on its feet, and not only did it get the economy on its feet but it’s got a hell of a fire under it as well…

As far as the economy not being simple I agree with that, however there is one very simple principle to the economy that should be the first lesson taught to economists such as yourself and the few that are like you.

That lesson would be the more you tax the economy, businesses and individuals the less the economy will grow and expand, by reducing taxes and putting money back into individuals pockets they can better invest the money for the improvement of their economy…
Old 01-07-2004, 10:48 PM
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Originally posted by Frank S
...As huge of a disgrace Bill Clinton was to this country, I don't HATE him, I pray for people like him.
I'm not a Clinton fan either, and definately don't hate him. I'll even give him credit as he is a much better speaker then Bush and even did some good things as president.

Originally posted by sirket
Bush, Cheney, Bush's family and much of Bush's cabinet are stock holders in Haliburton. When a person takes office they are supposed to sell off their assets in agencies with government contracts. This did not happen. You do the math.
Again were are the facts that say that Haliburton forced them to go into the war. I'd even settle for some links that will backup your statement, at least then I will say that oil may have been a big influence.

Originally posted by sirket
Where did you say you got your degree in economics from?
And your reading comprehension degree came from where?

I stated it helped, not was the sole cause.

Yes it is simple. You give people back some money and they will spend it, invest it, etc.

Example 1
If I get an extra $20 back per paycheck that is money that I can go spend on food or at my local hobby shop, helping them to stay in business. Now lets say another 100 people do the same thing, the store is doing more business and needs to hire a new employee.

Example 2
A rich person gets back X dollars. He meets Average Joe who came up with an idea for a widget. The rich person decides to provide the front money for a widget created by an Average Joe, a new product is put out that people will buy.

Originally posted by sirket
If there is one thing in this country that sickens me, it is people who try to claim "it's not my fault!"

If there is one thing that I believe in above all, it is personal accountability.

All of the parents who bitch that their kids' school sucks and then never go to parent teacher night, never volunteer, never help their kids with their homework all make me sick.
Dude if you ever need help, me and Burt, er I mean 01 XLT will be right there with you yelling at them.
Old 01-07-2004, 11:10 PM
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I'm late again...I always thought a teacher's base salary should be low. Once the pay is lowered then have an annual standardized test that the teacher does not have access to and administer it to the students. If the students score high enough the teachers get a bonus for the next year if they score poorly then the teachers don't receive the bonus or a reduced bonus. This way the teachers are paid well for doing their job well. THIS IS JUST THE BASIC IDEA, NOT THE DETAILS. I realize in the basic outline there are many flaws, but if properly administered it would work.

It has been a few weeks since I looked at the pay for teachers in this part of Florida, but the best I can remember is about $33,000 starting and they are paid for 10 months @ 7.5 hours per day. If they worked the whole year they would make nearly $40,000. My kid's teacher doesn't have a lot time to do the extra things--like talk to parents, respond to written notes and the like and this is with a full-time assistant and parent volunteer assitants. She does reserve about 45 minutes at the end of the day to prepare for the next day. By the way my kid is in one of the better public schools here.
Old 01-08-2004, 12:21 AM
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Originally posted by 01 XLT Sport
Yes I absolutely support school vouchers because it is all about accountability that you liberals are so fearful of.
I knew you did

Fear accountability? Please. The teachers union, just like every other union, has corrupt parts. We might as well just ban unions altogether and be done with it. I'm all for it but I doubt everyone else is.

I happened to go to a great high school. It was public. I have friends who went to good private schools. I got the better education.

My school was great because the parents cared about the school. They got involved in the school. They got involved in their kids lives. Complain all you want about teachers unions and what not. No amount of money can make a school great.

Liberals hate the idea about school vouchers because that is what the Teachers Union told them to HATE.
I hate school vouchers for 2 reasons.

The first is that I do not want my taxes dollars paying for a religious education. You may be ok with that, I am not.

The seond is that you think you can run away from problems and I don't. Confront the issues. The day a public education in this country becomes worthless, is the day that we as a nation become worthless.

It is actually the public school administrators including many teachers that absolutely fear the possibility of school vouchers. God forbid they have to actually do their job and prove they are qualified to continue their employment.
I fear them too and I have no vested interest in the school system. The solution is to get rid of teachers who do not care. Work with your politicans to make it happen.

A teacher is one of the most important jobs there is, not any different then a doctor, or EMT. I do not want a substandard doctor or EMT working on me if the need should arise, so why should it be any different for teachers and the education system itself.
And yet teachers in NYC often don't get paid enough to live in NYC... Hmmmm. I see the problem. Do you?

Most inner cities are where the minorities live and go to school so why is it that liberals continue their racism in the inner cities? Why are minority children NOT allowed the same opportunities as the liberals in power in government who, for the most part, if not all of them, send their children to private schools?
Charles Schumer's (The Democratic Senator from NY) daughter went to the same public High School I did and that anyone else in the city could have gone to.

Old 01-08-2004, 12:28 AM
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Frank, you lead a sheltered life, follow a teacher for about a week and see what kind of hours they work, see how much money they spend out of their own pocket because the system doesn't provide proper or sufficient supplies to educate the children in that classroom.
The teachers I know all put in hours I wouldn't dream of. My computer science teacher in high volunteered his time to run the network so that we would have computer access that actually worked (versus what the board of ed supplied). He shared his entire personal library with his students so that if they needed to borrow a reference book for a project, he lent it to them.

I can't imagine another profession that requires a 4 year degree and practically mandates a 6 year or advance degree expecting it's people to find parttime work to survive.
In NYC you are required to have a Bachelors AND a Masters. 6 years of work for a starting salary of 40k in a city as expensive as NY? Are you mad?

Private schools are not held to the same standards as far as degrees required to teach are concerned.

Old 01-08-2004, 12:33 AM
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When you ask ”Should the FBI be allowed to issue subpoenas without judicial oversight?” do you mean carry out search warrants rather then subpoenas? If you do then I agree that the FBI should not be allowed to carry out search warrants on AMERICAN citizens without prior approval of a judge.
I am not going to argue semantics with you.

You state here that the FBI should not be allowed to "carry out search warrants on AMERICAN citizens without prior approval of a judge." That is _exactly_ what the Patriot Act 2 allows.

Now do you feel like changing your mind about whether or not Bush should have veto'd these laws?


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