Will the Internet change as we know it?
Will the Internet change as we know it?
Check out this You Tube video about changes in the internet that they say are coming. A little long [13 mins.], but interesting.
It's not going to happen. Too many things would start happening to combat the bigger cable companies that started this program. One such thing is smaller cable companies suddenly offering full internet access for a cost effective price. What do you think everyone would do then? There's no way some ****ed up cable company is going to shove that bull**** down my throat.
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there saying there will be like internet packages you can purchase? i cant see that working. you how many new sites come online everyday?? i can understand if the internet providers want to raise there prices... i have no problem with that provided there is full access to all sites. they should have just set the camera down in front of that big rack chick and let those guys talk..we dont need to see them.