15yr old beaten in Jail

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Old 03-03-2009, 02:45 PM
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Everyone saying they would be in jail for beating the cop if he done that to their daughter, if you were a good parent and actually disciplined YOUR child then they shouldn't be in jail in the first place. I'm only 23 and my dad still whipped me when I was little if I done something wrong. Putting a kid in time out isn't going to teach them crap, or grounding them to their room where they probably have a tv, computer, Playstation, XBOX isn't going to do anything either. I noticed in high school that the younger kids seemed to have this sense of entitlement and complete lack of respect for anyone and everything, and where does this come from? The parents! Then they wine and complain when their kid gets arrested and/or gets beat up by a cop. Just doesn't make any sense to me. I just want to add that the cop did use excessive force I'm not arguing against that.

Last edited by ccoll5; 03-03-2009 at 02:50 PM.
Old 03-03-2009, 08:45 PM
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In this situation everybody has a different approach to what they would do.. And I would be that cop if he laid hands on my daughter.. The ONLY and I mean ONLY people that I would allow to do that to MY OWN daughter would either be me or her mother, THAT'S IT.. WHen I was younger I got my *** handed to me by my father plenty of times but then something must of clicked because all of a sudden I just became more afraid of what he might do to me than what he actually did.. Beating your kids *** is not the answer, put the fear in them that you will and 9 times out of 10 they will fly straight for pretty much there whole life... But remember the old days of whipping your kids *** is over....

Case in point, my daughter is only 5 months she was born in Oct. She has been to her doctor plenty of times in this period for check-up and her shots.. I've been doing some research on the internet about vaccination's and most of the doctor's tell you not to give them all the shot's all at once... On a small immune system the doctors said it could do more harm than good. So I asked her doctor if we could spread them out a little.. Not saying not to give them to her because they give you a timeline as to when they need to have them.. So this round of shots she was supposed to get was anywhere from 4 months to 1 year old.. Fine so I ask the doc can you give her two today and then the other two in a couple of weeks.. He said no.... So I had them give her the shots.. The doctor tells me that everything is fine and sent us home.. A couple of days later there is someone from child services at my door questioning me on the medical care that my daughter is getting.. I told her the whole story and all she said to me was " if you don't get the shots when the doctor says to get them by we could come in a take your child due to medical neglect....." I almost lost it right then.. I'm not neglecting my daughter I just simply asked if he could space them out alittle bit because I've had other doctors tell me it's no good for all that all at once.. ANd this is what happens..

Like I said earlier, the days of giving you kid a little smack are over.. Least little thing and your talking to child services and they want to take you kid away...

Old 03-04-2009, 02:17 AM
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That sucks J, that was one of the worst jobs ever created was abuse/neglect. Two year ago a friends kid slid down in his seat while she was taking a shower. He managed to move somehow and scrape the top of his head on the edge of the seat I guess something plastic.

They made the mistake of taking him to the doctor, and getting it checked out. For the next 3 months the grandmother had to live with them, or the kid would have had to stay in a home.

This women is a good mom and probley makes 200K a year, around here only about 20 ppl live like that. My point is she didn't put her kid in that position and it wasn't even a big deal. Just someone trying to keep a job alive, stretch it all out and twist it up.

But I do and don't agree with you on the part of your daughter and the cop. Man face it some kids/teens/young adults just arn't managable. I see them call in and say " my baby just got hit by some other inmate, i wanna know why". Well mam your son is running with a gang, he decided to try and "gain rank" and assault a rival member and got his *** beat. " OHH no not my baby someone is hiding something, he don't do no gang! Im going to call a lawyer". Mean while the kids got 10x statements on him proving control actions.

If you can be the responsible parent and handle discipline then I honor you. I too have a 3 month old son, and I am terrified of what hes going to run into in his young life. The cop over used his force, the amount of threat to force was HIGHLY unlevel. Poor management he just put himself, and the force in deep doo doo. I promise this one will be fried.
Old 03-04-2009, 09:30 AM
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As a LEO, I understand the frustration felt by dealing with loudmouth punks but words will NEVER cause me or anyone else harm. We are allowed to use ONE level of aggression above what he subject is using. It's called the Force Continuum.

This guy used WAY more than that. He let HER control the situation and therefore he FAILED!. He has no business being a cop and I for one am ashamed for him. It's cops like this that makes all of us look bad when we HAVE to use force.
Old 03-04-2009, 10:11 AM
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Think optimistically, she'll never **** off the law again.
Old 03-04-2009, 10:30 AM
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I'm pro-law enforcment, and that was excessive. As an officer, you are held to a higher standard. Sure, she had an attitude, sure, she kicked a shoe, but shes 15. If you remember, thats not really a very mature age. Leave her in there for 24 hours or so to calm down. Shes a kid. A poor attitude, criminal kid, but a kid.

If that was my daughter, I'd be filing a lawsuit now, and kicking her *** later.

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