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Old 05-03-2011, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by 05BlackFX4
...<snip>.......at least Obama sounds intelligent and not an embarrasment to the entire globe
The World Apology tour he did made him sound so very intelligent, and then to open a 3rd battle front ( you know, what he was apologizing for the US doing, sticking its nose in others country's business )
Old 05-03-2011, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by SSCULLY
The World Apology tour he did made him sound so very intelligent, and then to open a 3rd battle front ( you know, what he was apologizing for the US doing, sticking its nose in others country's business )
The differences between Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya are quite simple.

Afghanistan and Libya were fronts that were justifyable and deserved our attention. Osama was known to be using Afghanistan as the training ground for his operations. Libya is forcefully bombing their own people and the country is becoming destablized. Iraq was status quo for years. Saddam would have a little tantrum and block inspectors but cave when it got hot. There was no new threat but Bush/Cheney/Rove were looking for a fight there. Whether it was to finish daddy's job or spread dempcracy...it wasn't worth it.
Old 05-03-2011, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
The differences between Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya are quite simple.

Afghanistan and Libya were fronts that were justifiable and deserved our attention. Osama was known to be using Afghanistan as the training ground for his operations. Libya is forcefully bombing their own people and the country is becoming destabilized. Iraq was status quo for years. Saddam would have a little tantrum and block inspectors but cave when it got hot. There was no new threat but Bush/Cheney/Rove were looking for a fight there. Whether it was to finish daddy's job or spread democracy...it wasn't worth it.
1. It was not daddy's job. I am getting so sick of hearing that, I think GW Bush mobilized the military due to a country being invaded.
Just as a refresher, the United Nations Replaced the League of Nations after WW-II. The League of Nations had no real charter, and did nothing when Hitler invaded Poland ( and then the Russians coming in from the East, when they worked together, and then Italy getting in on it by kicking a down man ).
The United Nations did exactly what it was designed for after WW-II so a member country would not be left high and dry like Poland was. This is why when Iraq got out of the country, we only chased the so far back into Iraq and then left them alone. That is the real charter of the UN, and it worked.

2. I know you do not believe the pictures and 1st hand accounts of the material found ( used in manufacturing WMD ), nor did you bother to read anything on the invasion, else you would have read from an unbiased source about the 3 ships leaving Iraq, violating maritime laws by not being in radio contact, and flying another countries flag to keep the UN from hitting them.
I will say, by this little reported bit of info ( the MSM wanted to Kick GW Bush in the crotch over the invasion ) is going to come back some day, when a non Nuke country or worse yet terrorists deploy WMD. ( I can see the MSM now, Where did they come from, how did this happen, it was the fault of Bush for not going in sooner than he did ).

3. OBL and his likes used several countries for training. Why did we not hit all of them then ? Where did they find him ? That is right, in our "allies' back yard. They claim it is not the government doing it, but a faction of the military in that area that does as they wish.

4. Libya, you yourself said this as 1 of the reasons for going into Iraq was too old to be used ( even though it was long on going not over ). Why is it now the US should care, this has been going on for years ?
The Brits' released the terrorist from the PanAm incident, and the clown welcomed him back as a hero.
Libya was also started the same way, the US starts it, and gets the UN in on it.

5. Does not change the fact that Obama did the 'We are the Sorry" song all over the place, then does the same thing as previous administrations did ( and the MSM applauds Obama for it, and demonizes Bush for doing it )

It is clear anything a Republican POTUS did was wrong, and Obama can do not wrong in your mind, even when doing the same thing.
To do the world tour of 'we are sorry we acted like this', and then go and do the same thing makes him look like a bigger dope than he is.
This is what I was getting at. Don't expect the US MSM to point this out, to them Obama can do not wrong either. HEck the MSM goes as far to call Obama a humanitarian for doing the same thing they Demonized GW Bush about.

Change & Hope. Make that the MSM will change the tag line to the story and Hope nobody notices that hypocrisy they shove in the populations face all day long.
Old 05-03-2011, 10:52 AM
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Wow SSCULLY, that's a mouthful to digest. I would begin to believe you think a Republican/Conservative lead coalition should take over the government and the MSM and begin to correct all the perceived and imaginary problems in this country.

Yikes, one party rule, no competition, no freedom of thought, no MSM and it's ability to seek it's own level (wherever that may be). Government thought control.

I know!

You really don't believe that, but after reading what you just wrote it could be misconstrued that way.
Old 05-03-2011, 11:26 AM
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I certainly will not vote for Obama unless he can demonstrate a clear cut plan to put value back in the US dollar and stop printing more to cover debts. If you keep printing money it becomes worthless. The US dollar has become a joke.
Old 05-03-2011, 01:27 PM
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The statement that my belief that Obama can do no wrong and the GOP can do nothing correct is totally false.

Where I have a prob with Bush Jr is going around calling places like Iran the axis of evil while they had a moderate government. After that they went really hardline. We have to be careful with our words.

I know many didn't like Obama doing the we're sorry thing but we have made many enemies abroad and some use of the olive branch might help us. We aren't perfect.

If we are going after every bad guy that could be a threat we would be in a perpetual world war.

I am much more concerned about the idiot in N Korea (Palin thinks Kim il Jong is our ally btw) than Saddam.

Up until this problem with Libya they had made moves to be friendly. We had no control over the Scota releasing the Pan Am guy.

The League of Nations failed primarily because the US didn't get involved in it and we took an isolationist approach.

Bush Sr was smart enough to keep Saddam in place as he stabilized the area. I really never had a problem with Bush Sr...actually kind of liked him.

Bush Jr on the other hand not so much. He could have left Iraq alone and we would be in a better spot.

I do get tired of the old MSM is so liberal...the MSM organizations today are led by big corporations who love the GOP. The media is much more conservative today than ever before.

It is like a buddy of mine arguing how balanced FOX News is...please!
Old 05-03-2011, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by serotta
Wow SSCULLY, that's a mouthful to digest. I would begin to believe you think a Republican/Conservative lead coalition should take over the government and the MSM and begin to correct all the perceived and imaginary problems in this country.

Yikes, one party rule, no competition, no freedom of thought, no MSM and it's ability to seek it's own level (wherever that may be). Government thought control.

I know!

You really don't believe that, but after reading what you just wrote it could be misconstrued that way.
I could see where this thought process comes from, but it is actually a coalition lead by the individual person.

With rights ( voting ) comes responsibilities, which means doing your homework, and finding out the facts, not just repeating what some talking head on TV says.

I have said it before, and will continue to say it, the MSM is out to polarize the population against each other. If the voting population is at each other throats, they will ignore the stupidity going on in DC ( or the state capitol if that is the case ).
You have 1 network that is all GOP all the time ( to the point that Obama would fall out of bed and miss the floor per them ) , and the remainder of them are all democrat all the time ( Obama walks on water according to them ).

I forget who posted it in a thread, but a good place to get info is the European Media.
This is how I knew that Saddam was going to poke the US in the ribs the moment GW Bush got elected ( the paper I read in France at the time quoted this as from the political party leaders in Iraq ), to the point of going to war. Saddam did not want another Republican in office, and tried to make it known. The US MSM conveniently left this out of broadcasts. Why got me either as not to start a panic or to make it look like GW Bush was the bully.
Old 05-03-2011, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
The statement that my belief that Obama can do no wrong and the GOP can do nothing correct is totally false.

Where I have a prob with Bush Jr is going around calling places like Iran the axis of evil while they had a moderate government. After that they went really hardline. We have to be careful with our words.....<snip>....
Just included this above, had to read the papers from Europe during the election run up, you would have seen where Saddam was quoted through the political office, as if Bush won, he was going to war. Iraq was planning to go to war with the US via telling the UN to kiss off even before the elections.

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
....<snip>....I know many didn't like Obama doing the we're sorry thing but we have made many enemies abroad and some use of the olive branch might help us. We aren't perfect.....<snip>....
Lot of good that has done, actually South American in the area discussions have not taken the line of who cares what the US has to say after Obama getting his own signed copy of "why the US sucks" by his then pal, Chavez.

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
....<snip>....I am much more concerned about the idiot in N Korea (Palin thinks Kim il Jong is our ally btw) than Saddam.....<snip>....
Here you go, you open with the comment that the GOP can do nothing correct is totally false on my part, but only quote part of what she said ( she mis-spoke, she actually corrected it to South Korea ).
Nice try at demonizing the GOP ( yet again ), but this point you are quoting part of what was said, and conveniently left off the correction. Strong Work

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
....<snip>....Up until this problem with Libya they had made moves to be friendly. We had no control over the Scota releasing the Pan Am guy.....<snip>....
So why go in and attack them ? You posted it was OK, now make a point to the contrary. Which is it ?

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
....<snip>....The League of Nations failed primarily because the US didn't get involved in it and we took an isolationist approach. ....<snip>....
Try again, it was not just the US, it was every member of the League of Nations that caused it to fail, there was no charter like the UN. France & the UK both did not want to get messed up in yet another war, they were still trying to pay off WW-I, and left Poland and the region on their own when Germany & Russia came knocking.

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
....<snip>....Bush Sr was smart enough to keep Saddam in place as he stabilized the area. I really never had a problem with Bush Sr...actually kind of liked him.....<snip>....
Where do you get this stuff at. The 1st round was to get him out of the country he was invading, that was the end of the plan. Had nothing to do with keeping or not keeping someone in control.

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
....<snip>....Bush Jr on the other hand not so much. He could have left Iraq alone and we would be in a better spot......<snip>....
True, but the same should be said for Yugoslavia & Libya. Let the ruler kill off the people of the country, not our concern....Right ? This is basically what you are saying.

Originally Posted by K-Mac Attack
....<snip>....I do get tired of the old MSM is so liberal...the MSM organizations today are led by big corporations who love the GOP. The media is much more conservative today than ever before.

It is like a buddy of mine arguing how balanced FOX News is...please!
The MSM is conservative ?? Really where do you get this stuff from ?
Did you watch as the media kicked GW Bush in the crotch for 8 years ?
Did you watch the election coverage, and everything since Obama was elected ( the man can do no wrong per the MSM ).

Did you watch any of the coverage of WI and IN on the media, the Republican Gov of those states were Hitler reincarnated from how they portray them.
If that is "much more conservative" I would hate to see what liberal is ( they would start off the new cast with burning a dummy in effigy every night of some GOP member ).

Fox New Network is balanced as far as trying to offset the piles of BS pushed on the American public by the remaining media to the contrary. Thing is they have to be 3x or 4x as much to offset it.
Add to the TV networks 35 min of spewing crap, along with the news paper reporters and every Tom & Harry with a Blog that just says the same thing, another way, or gets just a bit further along with the same partial quotes as you do.

The media might be owned by large corporations, but what are they going to show, what they want, or what people want to see, so they can sell advertising ? I would say the latter, not the former.
Old 05-03-2011, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by SSCULLY
I could see where this thought process comes from, but it is actually a coalition lead by the individual person.

With rights ( voting ) comes responsibilities, which means doing your homework, and finding out the facts, not just repeating what some talking head on TV says.

I have said it before, and will continue to say it, the MSM is out to polarize the population against each other. If the voting population is at each other throats, they will ignore the stupidity going on in DC ( or the state capitol if that is the case ).
You have 1 network that is all GOP all the time ( to the point that Obama would fall out of bed and miss the floor per them ) , and the remainder of them are all democrat all the time ( Obama walks on water according to them ).

I forget who posted it in a thread, but a good place to get info is the European Media.
This is how I knew that Saddam was going to poke the US in the ribs the moment GW Bush got elected ( the paper I read in France at the time quoted this as from the political party leaders in Iraq ), to the point of going to war. Saddam did not want another Republican in office, and tried to make it known. The US MSM conveniently left this out of broadcasts. Why got me either as not to start a panic or to make it look like GW Bush was the bully.
Steve, I watch no news on TV (well, except for the weather which is beginning to receive a political slant ha ha). I reluctantly admit I read the morning paper and the NYT on occasion (Whenever my neighbor shoves his mailed copy in my box). My news actually comes from this and other websites. I actually agree with your comments about keeping us at each others throats. There is a faction that thinks to divide is to conquer and many of those are in the employ of the media.
Old 05-04-2011, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by serotta
...<snip>....I actually agree with your comments about keeping us at each others throats. There is a faction that thinks to divide is to conquer and many of those are in the employ of the media.
Sun Tzu figured this one out centuries ago, and it worked well for him and others under his study.

Diving a strong opponent into more manageable parts is the only way to have victory. Good thing for the allies, Hitler did this to himself.

Government with the help of the media is going a great job of this as well.
Old 05-04-2011, 08:48 AM
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I think I will be making everyone elses vote worth more by not voting again. No need to thank me anyone for increasing the worth of your own vote, the pleasure is all mine.
Old 05-04-2011, 12:12 PM
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Obama for the win!

Old 05-04-2011, 12:46 PM
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Norm
He's from Chicago.
Old 05-04-2011, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Bluejay
He's from Chicago.
hhhhhhhhahahahaaaaaaa nice...

damm canadians i'm surprised he did not have it
misson eh
remeber EH....

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