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lightningcrashz 12-22-2001 03:31 AM

keepin it simple
that is exactly what I decided to do: keep it simple. I have a decent scope (simmons 3x9) on my 308 (remington model 600-made in 67) and I rarely have it turned up past 5 (hunting same area) So I do believe a fixed 4Xpower with a 40mm objective lense is what I want. It doesn't really make cents to pay extra for features that will never get used.
Everbody knows leopold does make a good quality scope.I also believe when you cross the 100-150 dollar threshold most scopes will do just fine(there are excpetions to this).
Btw, the gun went on layway today.It will be all mine by the 25th of January.:D :D :D

Anyone ever heard of or used BSA scopes????Here is there website: www.bsaoptics.com .Some of their stuff looks pretty interesting.

NattyBumppo 12-23-2001 06:23 PM


Originally posted by lightningcrashz
Anyone ever heard of or used BSA scopes????Here is there website: www.bsaoptics.com .Some of their stuff looks pretty interesting.
Never used a BSA rifle scope but have used a BSA spotting scope and IMO, it was pretty low quality stuff. Not something I'd want on a hunt. JMO.

Congrats on the new rifle and GL with whatever outfit you put together. Main thing is to get out in the woods and enjoy!


lightningcrashz 12-24-2001 12:55 AM

Its down to 2 choices
Went out and looked at scopes today.I got it narrowed down to 2 brands: Leupold and Nikon. Looking through them, it is really hard to tell any differences.The price diff is 30 bucks with the leupold being the more expensive.Keeping that in mind, I will probably get the leupold to help support the economy in oregon.(Leupolds are made about 2 1/2 hrs up I-5 from where I live.)Thanks for the help guys:) :)

V10 man 12-24-2001 08:50 PM

Check www.cabelas.com They have the Vari XII 3x9 for $189. Cheapest I've seen.

ccla 12-26-2001 10:15 AM

BSA Is Crap, I went through 3 of them in 3 weeks. They Kept Breaking. 2 of them had a lens turn sideways inside after a shot another fogged up inside.

I have my 6-18, 50mm objective bushnell and I've had ZERO problems

lightningcrashz 12-26-2001 09:19 PM

Cabelas does have good prices on their scopes.189 is 30 bucks cheaper than it can be had locally.Another place is that www.cheaperthandirt.com place.Can't wait for the 25th to get here........

OPIE 12-28-2001 11:59 AM

Re: Hunters: rifle and scope question

Originally posted by lightningcrashz
I will need something with big eye relief for quicker sight in of the deer,additionally the length shots I have are quite similar to what shotgun huntuers using slugs have. Beats me...........Any suggestions

Take a look at the Nikon Monarch UCC Shotgun Scope. I put a 1.5-4.5x20 on my Browning Gold Deer Hunter. I paid $230 which is about $50 less than a similar Leopold. My scope has the TurkeyPro reticle which is a crosshair with a circle around it and the parralax is adjusted for 50 yards, but I'm pretty sure that they have a deer hunter model that is parralax free at 75 yards. This shotgun/scope combo is very accurate and I had no trouble finding the biggest buck that I've ever seen under my crosshairs when he flushed at 15 yards in a heavy cedar thicket. This year I have shot 4 deer with 5 shots between 15-90 yards. The only reason that I shot twice at one deer was because he was SO BIG and I knew he was going to disappear in the thick brush, both shots hit him under the tail and never touched a hair (if you know what I mean).

lightningcrashz 12-31-2001 12:46 AM

oh no, opie
you shot this deer up the big brown eye looking at you? Hey whatever it takes man.My grandpa was notorious for this exact shot.He has a total of 5 deer taken this way. At any rate, I will get the scope (Luepold)with my vacation check in June.I might just have to put a few bullets through it between now(Jan 25th) and then just for the fun of it.

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