
This board has become a joke

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Old 02-21-2003 | 10:48 PM
Raoul's Avatar
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From: the moral high ground
Originally posted by MRBBQMAN
Spike, don't feel like the Lone Ranger. this place has changed a lot, for those that remember how we used to treat each other around here. i don't post much anymore either, and my 03 with it's fabulous 8to10 threaded heads, don't do much for me either. it's 70 degrees, i bought it 2-3 months ago, and it has 200 miles on it, or something
I'm gonna stick it out one more year until the '04s come out and all 36,000 of us get dumped into the Pre-2004 Forum.
Old 02-21-2003 | 11:02 PM
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From: Stinkin Joisey
Originally posted by Raoul
I'm gonna stick it out one more year until the '04s come out and all 36,000 of us get dumped into the Pre-2004 Forum.
Iam sticking it out to pass one more member, If I learn something...thats great. If I teach something...I wanta get paid.
If I get laid...Its all good, you *****in bastards
Old 02-21-2003 | 11:54 PM
screwyou's Avatar
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Originally posted by Brian Baskin
I agree that cliques have formed, that always happens in large groups. Unfortunately for the Gen2 community, these cliques mostly form around vendor association, and to a lesser extent, regional boundaries. And rarely have I ever seen a bunch of people that own an expensive piece of metal spend days going on about how their truck is faster, looks better, and deserves more appreciation than another owners'. And suddenly any opinion that doesn't match yours must be attacking you in some way. If your truck doesn't go as fast as my truck, then your opinion doesn't matter. If you can't run at least 11s, then you don't deserve to post. If you haven't been registered here for at least xxx months, or have xxx posts, then you must be a troll.

don't think it's a problem with F150o, it's just that these type of people frequent this board more often. It has turned into a chat room in many ways. Way too many off-topic posts, by people who've been here for long enough to know better. Way too many one-liner posts that do nothing but stir the pot, and way too much post whoring It's a site I take in moderation, as well as a few others. Check about once a week, maybe open up 3-4 threads, get sickened and vow never to come back... until a week goes by.
Well said. I agree with you 100%.
Old 02-21-2003 | 11:58 PM
camcojb's Avatar
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Being a newbie I know my opinion doesn't carry any weight with a lot of you guys, but I thought I'd throw this out anyway. I've got an 03 Lightning on order that will be here in five weeks. I was given the link to this site by a friend of mine who owns and loves his Lightning.

There is a ton of knowledge here and it's taking me a while to sift through and find the answers to my questions, but it's all here. There also appears to be a lot of guys here who are willing to help out others which is what makes car guys so great in my opinion.

What's different about this board versus the other dozen or so I'm involved with is that on the others I participate in this bashing stuff isn't allowed. They have admins and moderators that shut down the garbage immediately. You'll still get the occasional troll who tries to stir things up. And not real often, even a contributing member can't abide by the rules and is locked off the site. So what you're left with is a bunch of guys who try to contribute, others who need help learning what to do, and an enormous amount of information to help everyone. Makes you look forward to pulling up the site daily.

I've been involved in auto message boards for years and love to help with what my strong suits are. I am new to Lightnings so now I find myself in the opposite position I'm in on every other board; I'm the one trying to learn and needing help. This is by far the best Lightning board I've found as far as information goes. But it is tough to sift through the fighting back and forth to find the answers to my performance questions. This is not a bash on this site or any of it's members, don't know either very well at all. It's just an observation from a new member.

Old 02-22-2003 | 12:47 AM
alphadoggy's Avatar
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I still browse this board occasionally as there are still a number of posters worth reading, but I seldom post because of the rampant attacks and general decline in the level of civility. I think it may have something to do with a changing demographic. Maybe if the board were run this way it would be a more enjoyable and productive experience:
Old 02-22-2003 | 12:57 AM
VaporLock's Avatar
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From: Coastal Waters
The collective knowledge of those that are here well out weighs the collective BullSh$t, Those that are very knowledgeable can teach those of us who have a limited understanding of the finer points of the workings of our hobby. Those that are new can offer a crisp new insight to some things and be kinda amusing with the things they come up with, this is a family here and we should all try and get along as best we can. Yes, it is just afterall a truck but it is as are many things that we treasure, a part of who we are and what we are. I see so many of you here that are a great wealth of knowledge when those that are in trouble are able to turn to you for help. It is rewarding to help those that are humble enough to ask, and it just as rewarding to see it happen here time and time again. Sure we all get into squabbles now and again but those that are able to offer their hand in friendship after such a squabble, those are the true men and women that are the backbone of this thing we call the human race. To be able to admit when we are wrong and to offer constuctive advice to those that step over the lines rather than flame and bash openly, that is the true measure of a man or woman. As we get older we sometimes get wiser, then again we sometimes forget that those that are less informed will always ask a stupid question in some eyes, but the only real stupid question is the one you are afraid to ask. There was a time that I would lash out and flame anyone who would dare to question me in any way, how foolish I was to think that I knew it all, and how foolish still I would feel many years later when I saw those same people in positions of power and authority and using it to better those around them. I think as I grom older and see my children grow up around me, I thank God daily that I am allowed to exist here and help those that I can to be better citizens and neighbors by leading by example in the things I say and do. The quality of you life will be reflected in your friends and your business associates if you follow one simple rule..........." Do unto others that which you would have done unto you." It has been said a zillion times but it is put into practice only when we find it will be a benifit to ourselves most of the time. I hope that we will all take a moment to think of the things we say to and about others, it is so easy to hide behind a screen and sling insults at others that are faceless, but it as just as easy to hold your thoughts that would do harm and not say or post them at all.
I have one wish here after reading all of these postings, and that is only to wish you all the peace and joy that you could ever want out of life and that you would share that feeling with everyone you meet face to face and online.

Peace to each and every one of you. And I do mean that with all my thoughts.

Old 02-22-2003 | 01:19 AM
Silver_2000's Avatar
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Originally posted by alphadoggy
I still browse this board occasionally as there are still a number of posters worth reading, but I seldom post because of the rampant attacks and general decline in the level of civility. I think it may have something to do with a changing demographic. Maybe if the board were run this way it would be a more enjoyable and productive experience:

I love some of his suggestions BUT

the CC board is TINY. Just a little larger than the TALON forum we started for the Texas lightning guys. The size of the foum makes it easier to manage.

Also this kind of stuff is over the top- Dont think anyone wants to be treated like this:
get back to the roots by getting on each other’s ****, stirring things up, crafting eloquent smackdowns, and banning morons at the drop of a hat. It’s the holiday gift that keeps on giving.

Some of you may be repulsed, shocked, and horrified at what mayhem ensues from this, but my only words of comfort will be SuckIt! If we **** off a thousand to get fifty more like us, it will be worth it. If we want to be the fastest guys at the track with strippers under each arm and the Jolly Roger flying from our tent, then we must begin here. We are not a Utopian Island, we are a haven for the Internet Outlaw. We don’t just claim to put the wood to *** Clowns, we do so by extending the plank over shark infested waters.

By the end of this week, I want to see that member count drop. I want to see 75% more tech and 75% more smack.
Some of the ideas presented at CC are worth considering. Thanks for offering the comparison - It shows that some of the folks here are trying to be part of the solution. Thanks again.


Last edited by Silver_2000; 02-22-2003 at 01:21 AM.
Old 02-22-2003 | 01:19 AM
Redneck Ferrari's Avatar
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Originally posted by VaporLock

No way I could have said it better. Take the time and comprehend Vapors statement. Thanks for the post.
Old 02-22-2003 | 01:57 AM
Nasty Wendy's Avatar
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From: Waggaman Louisiana
Unhappy Dang I didn't mean to have THAT effect

All I can say is I'm sorry if I have anything to do with how you feel. I do joke and pick fun alot but I try to keep it entertaining. I hope my humor isn't in the least bit a source of your sour feelings. Hopefully in your leave you will think of the good the board has done and still does and maybe make a cameo appearance now and again. Good luck in life.
Old 02-22-2003 | 02:57 AM
fastbolt2002's Avatar
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Lightbulb Excellent point

Originally posted by Brian Baskin
Unfortunately for the Gen2 community, these cliques mostly form around vendor association, and to a lesser extent, regional boundaries.
That's the ironic thing. Most JL guys seem to use Rancho bars and Diablo chips because JL sells them. Most PSP guys seem to use Truck-Tracks OR Ranchos, and Works blowers. Certainly no JL guy at this point has a Works blower, though apparently Jim Bell has put one of Johnny's customers up to obtaining one for him. Yet is that because the Works 140 somehow puts out less power than the KB (still no proof of the KB or even SAE dynos)? No, it's because of blind tuner loyalty. "My tuner sells X and therefore I will buy that, because to buy Brand Y from my tuner's enemy would make me the enemy"

And suddenly any opinion that doesn't match yours must be attacking you in some way. If your truck doesn't go as fast as my truck, then your opinion doesn't matter.

Exactly. Case in point: Charlie and Author/AVT run very low 11's with every bolt on available, built motors, and ported heads. Dale-01L and ICULOOKN run high 11's with bone stock motors, only a few bolt ons, and Works 112's. Therefore KB blowers are better? And I love this one: KB's must be better than Works140's because KB's with every bolt on, are going faster than Works112's with few bolt ons, LOL!!

If you haven't been registered here for at least xxx months, or have xxx posts, then you must be a troll.

And I bet I am instantly branded an enemy of JLP for doubting the supremacy of the KB blower.

I don't think it's a problem with F150o, it's just that these type of people frequent this board more often. It has turned into a chat room in many ways. Way too many off-topic posts, by people who've been here for long enough to know better. Way too many one-liner posts that do nothing but stir the pot, and way too much post whoring

Here's where you're incorrect. It IS a problem with F150online. The New Year's Resolution states:

Vendor bashing will no longer be tolerated on this forum. Detailed and truthful first person (not posts like "my friend got screwed by...") posts about positive and negative experiences with F150online Supporting Vendors will be encouraged within the context of a thread and will not be removed (which means that they will be searchable for all the see when researching a vendor), however repeatedly posting negative comments or intentionally driving threads off-topic with "dead-horse" issues will result in:

1) Warnings sent by email for a first offense.
2) Banning for a second offense.

Posts that violate this policy (and subsequent "piling-on" posts) will be removed from the thread.


No exceptions.
... yet there are exceptions to this all time. Everyone has noticed that JL has stepped up his PSP and REM bashing to an all-time high. Yet the moderator and webmaster don't step in. No warnings, no banning, not even a temporary ban on posts. No enforcement of the rules on piling-on posts, "free" posts, off-topic or useless posts, etc.

When you post anything contradictory, you're bashed and are a troll because you don't go to Hooters with RobG. You have to hang out for a long time posting stupid "free post!"s before you are allowed to help anyone else. BZZT, sorry, wrong answer. What's the question? "How to have a successful forum"
Old 02-22-2003 | 03:27 AM
blown318's Avatar
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From: Dyer, IN
Old 02-22-2003 | 03:39 AM
brap's Avatar
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Can't we all just be thankful this place exists and is free. Take what info you want from it, and discard the rest, life goes on.
This is just a d@mn website on the internet, dont take it so seriously. What goes on here is just a reflection of the way we all act in social groups. Is it any different in the work place, groups of friends, school or any other social group? Not really.

Do you really care what some guy whom you will most likely never meet or see has to say about you or someone else, it really has no bearing on reality or most of our lifes.

And like Spike said, its just a stupid truck, in the end, what does it really matter?
Old 02-22-2003 | 06:59 AM
sonichog's Avatar
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From: "the land of Nod"
Kinda have to think ...

If I'm leaving and never posting again (cause I'm angry) - then I'm just leaving without a post.

Why post about leaving especially knowing that - 'the post' about leaving will create the ***** storm your complaining about and is the very reason why you are leaving - hello ... just leave, and do it gracefully ... I don't know you but I wish you all the luck in the World with any and all future endeavors...
Old 02-22-2003 | 07:51 AM
superfords's Avatar
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You know why they call them the "old days"?

It's because they aren't around anymore.

The Lightning community has grown year after year with new trucks and new owners. I assume the membership of this message board has grown similarly. More posters is going to mean more posts, simple math. Yes you'll have to look through more posts to find the pearls of wisdom posts, but that doesn't mean that they aren't there anymore.

Anytime you bring increasing numbers of people together you are going to have conflict and differences in opinion. Throw money into the mix and it becomes even more volatile.

As for too much chatting and non tech.

I've been around here for a few years myself and while you do have to wade through some BS, I don't have a problem with most of it. I have enjoyed the personal interaction (well as personal as you can be via internet ) that I have gotten from the board. How else would I have met the people from all over the country that I have? Seriously, I have met people from all over the place via this site, and often times I get to meet them in person at the dragstrip. I often get phone calls at home or work with questions. Frequently we talk and "catch up on things" even though we've really never met before. it feels like old friends or something.

that's all I've really got to say. I've been posting less myself, but that doesn't mean that it's not a good board.


maybe instead of or in addition to the "Message Icon"s at the top of the post page, Steve or Doug could put up a simple menu box where you click when you post a new topic. you could indicate if the post is TECH or OTHER or something like that. understand what I mean, then the tech only guys could skip the socalled BS posts!

just a thought.

gotta run, late for work, fords to fix.

Old 02-22-2003 | 08:31 AM
litnfast's Avatar
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When I was just a little boy growing up in Georgia. My buddies and I would play in the dirt with our trucks and tractors. Some days we got along great and didn't argue. Other days we fought and buried each others trucks in the dirt. Occasionally one of us would get up...stomp our feet...pick up our trucks...and go home!!! Some things never change! To those whom are leaving all I can say is

Quick Reply: This board has become a joke

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