
What is wrong with these men??

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Old 09-14-2001 | 12:02 PM
4D THNDR's Avatar
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The phrase "under god" was injected into the Pledge of Allegiance during the mid-50's during the height of the "red scare"(along with a new motto replacing "E Pluribus Unum",a much more accurate motto than "In God We [some anyway]Trust and a law that has the new motto stamped on all currency). The original author never intended for that to be in there and if you recite it without it you see how smooth it flows. This nation is the first to exercise a "wall of seperation" between church and state in history. The first amendment guaranteeing the free choice of religion(worship any or no god[s]) is a direct violation of christianity's first commandment of "no other god(s) before me". It's amazing what historical revisionists try to get you to believe.

Last edited by 4D THNDR; 09-14-2001 at 12:06 PM.
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:13 PM
BfB's Avatar
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The sickening fact is that RELIGION is normally the MAIN reason that war is around and happening all across the world. When I say war I don't just mean what happened Tuesday in NY. I also mean the hatred you have towards people's color, their sexual preference, bi-racial humans, interracial couples, Jews, Muslims, Indians, etc. etc. etc. It's really amazing all the disgusting hate some of you still include in your so called "religious values".

Get it through your heads: God does not tolerate HATE or indifference to others! At least their are some who actually realize this.

If you bible thumpers so adamantly believe all the scripture in the bible, then why doesn't these great evangelists go ahead and admit this is the end of the world JUST LIKE REVELATIONS STATES!

If it's the end of the world, guys, then how can you put the blame on anyone? The bible predicts this right? Should you blame God for so much suffering and hatred? I mean the Bible does say everyone will die eventually from situations like this. We were brought up believing that life is the work of God. Right?

FWIW, I believe in God, I will always believe in him. I will not brainwash myself with religion though. Science is much a powerful force as religion is. There is no reason why the two cannot co-exist.

Concerning Falwell and Robertson's hateful disgusting remarks. The only reason they can get away with remarks like this is because of who they are, you let a unknown team of people continually attack cultures and lifestyles like these two guys do then that team will instantly be labeled as a "hate group" and blasted all across the country. So why not blast Falwell and Robertson? I think it was said best:

An ACLU spokeswoman said the group "will not dignify the Falwell-Robertson remarks with a comment."
There is no reason why everyone cannot harmonously co-exist!


Last edited by BfB; 09-14-2001 at 12:20 PM.
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:16 PM
BMWBig6's Avatar
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Amen, brother 4D THNDR! Finally an enlightening post! IMO, Falwell and Robertson should be handled the same way we're going to handle the terrorists responsible for Tuesday's events. America doesn't need any more enemies and doesn't need to fight on any more fronts. Their statements are ridiculous and I can't believe we're even wasting this much bandwidth talking about it.

I don't subscribe to the following idea myself, but . . .

"Shoot em all and let God sort em out!" - Marge Simpson
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:20 PM
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Preach on, brother BfB! Those are wise words indeed! Have faith in God and obey the laws of gravity. Lord knows we spend all this money on our Lightnings trying to cheat physics: Force = Mass * Acceleration, and we ain't winning in the mass department so....
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:21 PM
lightning al's Avatar
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bfb, very well said. it really doesnt matter what falwell said, they are only words. to lump him in with the terrorists is disgraceful. remember actions always speak louder than words. and the actions of those terrorists speak very very loud to me. there are over 100,000 people at parliament hill in ottawa this afternoon at noon, to honour friends and relatives who were lost in new york. those actions and the actions of good honest people who want to help in canada and the united states speak way louder than anyone spouting their twisted interpretation of the bible right now.
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:25 PM
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I didn't mean to literally suggest we kill Falwell and Robertson like we will the terrorists, but I do lump in them into the same category of those who are certainly not helping the situation...
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:25 PM
jaymz's Avatar
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From: "Enjoy every sandwich" - Warren Zevon
Falwell and Robertson are ignorant, self-righteous morons...always have been; always will be.

Next question?
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:26 PM
noelvm's Avatar
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With regard to the Pledge of Alligence you are correct. However the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states

"WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Creator is Capitalized. All thru the original foundings of this country are prayers and references to God. As stated above all the founding fathers were Christians.


bfb --It's the book of Revelation not Revelations and I believe this is the end times.
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:27 PM
BMWBig6's Avatar
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That is a NICE rig!
Old 09-14-2001 | 12:54 PM
BadDog's Avatar
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Let me see if I've got this right:

1) The Muslims are waging Jihad (or Holy War) against the "infidels" in the US of A in the name of Allah.

2) The Allah of Islam IS the Jehovah/Jahweh of the Old Testament, and the God of the Jews and Christians as well as the Muslims.

3) The USA has lost Allah's/God's protection in this Holy War because we are not believers in the "true faith". By definition, if we are unbelievers, I guess this makes us infidels.

4) If a Holy War is waged in His name, Allah/God could not be neutral. He would have to pick a side.

5) If Allah/God had to pick a side, and it isn't ours, then whose side is He on?

Old 09-14-2001 | 01:01 PM
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We've all had our say now let's lock this post and UNITE again!

bfb --It's the book of Revelation not Revelations and I believe this is the end times.
Don't argue over the way a name was spelled. Geez, when one says "Revelations" they mean "Book of Revelation".

My God is a loving God. My God does not throw wrath upon anyone for being a minority difference. My God does not throw wrath upon anyone for believing in UNITY and ACCEPTANCE amongst ALL! I do not know whose God conservative religious quacks, like Falwell and Robertson's, is or how anyone could believe in such a hateful supreme being, but I know I do not, and I WILL not! My heart and my soul tells me to "Live to Love, and Love to Live!"

Last Tuesday we for the first time in possible history we weren't different, we weren't white, we weren't black, we weren't str8, we weren't gay, we weren't small, we weren't big, we were the SAME! All TOTALLY UNITED and together as AMERICANS and/or HUMANS. We weren't different on that day, and we don't need to be different anymore! We need to be LOVING HUMANS!

We've all now had our say on this post, and we all are still going to have differences in opinion (and religion, but fortunately we can't argue science, LoL). But, people, PLEASE learn to accept and love no matter what someone is or who they are! As it is you're no different in the fact that you are not just like them in their views as they are to you!

Steven or Doug: Let's lock this post now and stay united and continue the amazing gain in unity and love that we so exhibited these past few days! The last thing we all need to be arguing now is religion again!


Last edited by BfB; 09-14-2001 at 01:04 PM.
Old 09-14-2001 | 01:03 PM
JohnnyLightning's Avatar
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NOELVM: I Agree 100 % As many know i myself am a born again christian. by that i mean ive excepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and i'm trusting in him and in him ONLY! to save me from hell(which i deserve) and a life full of emptiness and confusion while here on earth. remember the word christian means "Little christ" so if your actions don't make others believe your a "little christ" then maybe your not a christian. by that i mean talk is cheap! our lives talk lowder than our talk does.. i won't get into an argument over these issues but i just want everyone to know i Love the Lord with all my heart and i'm very grateful for him saving me and giving me true meaning in life. here's a qoute from the word of god. which i believe is very true!

2 chronicles 7:14 If my people,which are called by my name,shall humble themselves,and pray,and seek my face,and turn from their wicked ways; then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin,and will heal their land. JL
Old 09-14-2001 | 01:11 PM
99svtlightning's Avatar
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My God, the Christian God, doesn't state to hate or dislike people who sin against him. However, my God doesn't say to accept it. We, as Christians, are to feel compassion for those who are sinners and do everything we can to bring them to the Lord. If you truly believe in God and follow the Bible you will want to do what's right and eventually will.

In respect to the act of Terrorism:
Those people were not Christians, they took lives which is a definite sin. They follow a different God, Allah. Allah and the Christian God are not one in the same. Gods word can be manipulated and interpreted to mean whatever they choose. We are supposed to be an intelligent being and make good decision's on which religion we choose to follow.

We as American people need to join together and make sure this doesn't keep happening.

Last edited by 99svtlightning; 09-14-2001 at 01:14 PM.
Old 09-14-2001 | 01:18 PM
noelvm's Avatar
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Baddog you're # 2 is wrong.

Allah was a guy who studied religion and thought there were many good concepts and he wanted to bring these to his people. He went to the Vatican and asked the Catholic Church to make him a Bishop so he could go back to his country and set up the church there.

The Catholic church refused on the grounds that he lacked training. So he went back to his country, killed all the Catholic missionarys and all missionarys, and wrote the Koran himself. He is the God of his self made religion and is not the same God of the Jews and the Christians.

Old 09-14-2001 | 01:39 PM
lightning al's Avatar
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guys you really gotta stop. one of the things these terrorists do is scare and divide people. our greatest strength is in staying together and united. both in the united states and in canada, and in other parts of the free world. that is all that matters. not peoples different interpretation of the bible . the terrorists have the will right now to destroy us, they just dont have the means to take us all on. we have the means, lets unite the will to get rid of them once and for all. dont let up and dont divide us with twistest views of the bible that only serves to antagonize and divide for no reason.

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