
What is wrong with these men??

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Old 09-14-2001 | 05:31 PM
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SILVER Y2K SVT- Sorry, but I won't be able to say I told you so because I will be gone. It's called the 'RAPTURE". Sorry you won't be with us.
Old 09-14-2001 | 05:46 PM
WhiteLightninSVTGirl's Avatar
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There is so much contradiction here. I believe in God and I believe in this country. I believe that we should not be afraid to go to sleep at night or be afraid to get on a plane to go visit family. But that has all been stripped of us, so in turn, I believe in retibution, not in the name of our God for religious beliefs but in the name of this country for the memory of those who were lost and the necessity to restore our dignity, faith, and way of life. I believe that this will bring us closer as a nation and that nobody, no matter how religious or non religious has the right to judge us except God himself. He will decide who is worthy no matter what we think and He has the final say ultimately.
Old 09-14-2001 | 05:54 PM
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Your comments are to the point and I for one know you practice your faith in the Lord,for this you have my admiration, and respect.

For the rest of us, this is America,lets get the job done, and get along...

God help us all.
Old 09-14-2001 | 06:35 PM
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The first part of your post was very politically correct and was exactly the point I was trying to make, but then in tipical brainwashed in your beliefs fashion you had to throw your little dig in about "god" judging us. There is no "god" that is going to judge me. Keep your crap to yourself.
Old 09-14-2001 | 06:38 PM
dark_horse's Avatar
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Originally posted by noelvm
Pawn, I confused.

Jesus said "The only way to the father is through me." If you believe this then you also have to believe that all other "religionss" are false and lead to hell.

The concept that all religions are like spokes of a wheel leading to one God is from satan and does not wash with the Christian Bible.

When our nation was founded as "One nation Under God" what was meant was JESUS CHRIST, not muslums, buddists, shintoist, confuscist, and all the other FALSE religions.

You want to stop this terrorism. Are you prepared to wipe out all the palastineians, and all the rest of the muslems in the world. Who is going to look into each ones heart and determine what they truly beleve?

We can get the guys responsible for this but will it stop terrorism against the US?

I doubt it.

Oh dude,

While I’m also Christian, you do realize that the bible has been transcribed by hand (priests), government (kings), as well as the Holy Roman Empire for their benefit for oh about 2000 years now. Do you really think that what is written in the bible today is totally accurate?

I would not totally believe any modern document to open the doors of heaven. That’s where the faith part comes in.

IMO the idea of just stating that to get into heaven is to believe in Jesus and act like x will do it, believing in y and still acting like x will not is, well uncertain at best. So for persons that amount to 10x greater than all of the Christians do and to have their own opinions/religions of how to get into heaven vs. ours is something to consider. You do know that THEY might be onto something!

While this next statement might sound racist it’s not meant to be.

I do believe that people from different places in the world are different. So God might have visited them in different forms, this doesn’t even take into account the different times that religion was introduced into those regions. So what worked in the America’s at year 0 wouldn’t work in the Middle East at that time. So god decided to ignore the Indians until 1492? Don’t get me started between the different Christian religions.

This isn’t the god I know.

Last edited by dark_horse; 09-14-2001 at 06:44 PM.
Old 09-14-2001 | 06:51 PM
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dark_horse's above comments are excellent. If all Christians would have a similar attitude to his, the world wil be a better place. My beliefs differ from his, but he would not go around telling people like me that I'm going to hell because I don't share his beliefs.

dark_horse's choice to believe in god doesn't bother, threaten, or effect my life in anyway, whatever works for him is great. But when people start telling other people they are going to be judged or go to hell because of different beliefs, thats how wars start.
Old 09-14-2001 | 07:06 PM
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Yes, I do believe the Bible is accurate. There are more copies of the Bible in existance today going back than any other book. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls, which contained all the books of the Old Testament, except the Book of Ruth, varied only minutely from text today. I do not believe that you can take the Bible and tear out all the pages you don't agree with. It's an all or nothing Book. David Koresh, Jim Jones and all the other crackpot religions and beliefs have as part of their mantra some of the Bible. I beiieve.

Old 09-14-2001 | 08:13 PM
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Scott at the risk of sounding "politically correct" part of what we are fighting for is the idea that we maintain our freedom, which includes freedom of speech. That allows you to be an a**hole and me to have my opinions including an opinion of religious belief and if you don't like it you're welcome to ignore it.
Old 09-14-2001 | 08:26 PM
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Freedom allows you to have you own beliefs, however it doesn't allow you to force them on other people. The post you made above that I directed my original comment towards is extremely insulting to all those who don't share your beliefs. When I get insulted I tend to strike back. Don't try to play yourself as the innocent here, it was your comments thatwere wrong in the first place.
Old 09-14-2001 | 08:31 PM
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i got on this board, not only because of the fact that i liked this truck, but also because i thought the people on here were great. after reading these posts, i think you people have lost track of whats important here. we are supposed to be tolerant. tolerant means not being like the terrorists who are intolerant of our culture.but we are arguing about nothing and trying to outdo each other about nothing. we all live here because its the best life . period. tolerant, working together, and allowed to worship as we please. not to question who has all the answers. i sure dont, but there is one thing i do know. those people that did this act are vermin. plain and simple. and nothing should stop us from focusing on that fact.
Old 09-14-2001 | 08:33 PM
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So sad...

Supposedly this forum doesn't tolerate political and religious debates that cause bickering like this.

I asked for this post a long time ago to be closed. It's apparent it'll be now, or shortly before long. If not, it should be.

Old 09-14-2001 | 08:34 PM
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From: Hammer Lane
This thread started with a quote from the "Washington Post". I'm not going to discuss my religeous beliefs; but, I would like to point out that this is one of the most liberal publications in the country writing a story about two of the most conservative men in the country. Is there any surprise that room was left for the reader to draw an unfavorable conclusion about the character of the gentlemen in question. I would take this story with a grain of salt and move on to something with more class and substance.

Thank you.
Old 09-14-2001 | 08:36 PM
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Well I guess its my turn

First, I'm a Christian. Saved by grace alone, through faith alone through Christ alone. Its not any of my doing what so ever!! its all of God!!
2nd, God is not who ever or what ever we want Him to be. He chooses to reveal Himself to whom He pleases through his Word. The God of the Bible does have attributes that can be recognized by an "honest" reading of scripture. Even by the non-believer.
3rd, It is a fact that not all will be saved by in Him and actually more will perish. A consistant reading of the Bible will verify this.
4th, all Christians will not agree with each other on issues 100% of the time , but we can all come together on the Gospel of Gods grace.
5th, I do not agree with all of what Fallwell preaches, but his statement I actually find to be pretty dead on! I have no use for Pat Robertson, he is a false teacher not to mention a false prophet.
6th, WE do not know if this tradgey is a judgement from God so I would NOT preach that to anyone. However He does ordane all things to pass so it did not take him by suprise. There are only two options, God caused it or God allowed it. Its my opinion that he allowed it, for the same reason Fallwell stated. He is soverign over all things.
7th, All "religions" are not the same. However all religions with the exception of Christianity are the same. They are all a "works" based salvation. Christianity is unique in that salvation is all of God. The imputed righteousness of Christ, layed to our account by faith in him alone. Talk about AMAZING GRACE. Why would He save a wretch like me?? I dont know?? I deserve hell!!
8th There are alot of idoits that proclaim to be Christian but if you see their lives, there is no fruit of it what so ever. The Bible says Faith without works is dead, and NOT saving faith. A true Christian will have a life that that shows fruit, not perfection, but repentance will be there. We wont be sinless but will sin less. When Christ comes back as Judge sin will be dealt for good. Now when will he come back??......NO ONE KNOWS so dont believe these extreme people that think they know. Are we in the last days??Maby we are maby we arent, but I do know we should live our lives knowing He could come at any time.
Lastly, I cant force anyone to belive the way I do nor do I try to attempt this. However I will share my faith with you and explain Gods plan of salvation as the Bible clearly teaches. Its not my job to convert you, that for the Holy Spirit.

One more thing, the majority(not all) of the founding fathers were Protestant Christians. Calvanists to be specific. Have you ever noticed that the only Countries in the world that are free, and the kind of places that you might want to live, were fruits of Protestant Christianity. HHMMMMM????

OK, I'll step down now..could go on forever

Old 09-14-2001 | 08:37 PM
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Originally posted by Odin's Wrath
I would like to point out that this is one of the most liberal publications in the country writing a story about two of the most conservative men in the country. Is there any surprise that room was left for the reader to draw an unfavorable conclusion about the character of the gentlemen in question. I would take this story with a grain of salt and move on to something with more class and substance.
The truth is that the story was REAL! They stated it on the 700 Club. Here's CNN's take on it.
Old 09-14-2001 | 09:01 PM
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Ok This horse is dead. Lets head back towards the topic..

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