
i hate those how old are you polls! lets do who hates these old folks asking.........

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Old 11-20-2001, 01:20 PM
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Re: something to fall back on

Originally posted by 2000SilverNavigator
i appreciate everyones concern here.
I as well grew up poor up till the time i was 8.I was born in a 2 bedroom shack that is smaller than our pool that was at my parents house.

in less than a years time i could easily eliminate my debt.
But why would i want to do that. I am young and stupid, (there is no sarcasm there)

we all do stupid things when we are young.

my dad and grandpa own a very succesful contracting business.

My grandparents cant understand why i want to be in debt. They have never borrowed money.They pay cash for everything.Which i agree if you hve the money like that to pay cash then do it.
But there again i am young and want to try things my way and prove to everyone that i am right when i know in the back of my mind a few years down the road ill know i was wrong but noone will care then so why should it matter.

plus my girlfriend doesnt make things any better.
my parents made her think that we were destitude when i met her cause they think that everyone is after their money.

Weve been together 3 years and just in the past six months i let her in on everything when i bought her a 2001 silver BMW M5 for her birthday which really pissed my dad off because i took the money out of my mutual fund but she says she could care less if i was a millionaire or a cotton farmer , i love you cause you treat me nice and take care of me.
But now she expects me to buy her things all the time or at least i feel like i have too.
And just about 18 days ago the car was totaled.not my fault kinda. i borrowed it to go out to a job site cause the gator was low on gas and the lightning does not go on job sites cause my dad will ask me to haul something somewhere.anyway this new guy we just hired ,josh, was on an oversize Kamatsu pipe layer that is what they look like.
anyways he started backing up and parked the pipe layer on an embankment that he obviously didnt see and he got off and came over to talk to us about some pipe that he bent while trying to run it through some heavy carbon soil and i hear this tilt of steel going on and i look over about 300 yds and here is a pipe layer going straight down and embankment which the car was parked to the left of and over about 50 yds so i didnt even think about that i was worried about this 2,000,000 $ machine that was flying down the slope anyways a piece of 1 ton 3/4" pipe rolls off the back redirecting the path of the layer straight over the top of the car. i thought what are the odds of that.the machine should have just rolled over the pipe but the pipe must have jammed on something to get it leverage.
there was nothing left of the car.
i took some pictures but the insurance company has them right now.

thankfully noone was hurt in the accident.

again back to my topic, i always get redirected and start talking about stuff that has nothing to do with what i was originally talking about.

i have thought about laying off buying stupid things for a year and beine debt free besides a house note but then i think no i could buy this this and this with that money.

ill eventually grow up but till then im just gonna keep living it up.

going back to my topic though.

i do appreciate your concern but i am not going to let myself get out of hand.
i have a great business that i can fall back on in the next few years and i will easily wipe free my debt but till then mastercard and discover card are going to keep making a ***** load of money off of me in interest.

We know this kid through some friends that is the son of the owner of a large speacialized gas/oil company. the kids got just about everything that I could every want. A brand new hummer with a 30K stereo system, four ducatti's, 2002 911 turbo, a huge miilion dollar house loaded with the nicest stuff money can buy. And you know what? the kid is dumber then a box of rocks! He never really has to work, but he has to show up to 3 important company meetings a year and he missed one this year because he had a minor cold. I can't talk to the kid because everything he says is just so stupid and he makes up lies to try and impress people. "hey you know what, do your job and I'll be impressed to hell with you". I can't stand people like that. He tells everyone that he paid 150K total for that hummer so they think he's cool. OK fine, but you got taken for about 50K total so your idiot. The stereo in his car shouldhave cost about 15K max installed and everything.

I'm no angel myself, I'll admit that I get some perks that my friends don't get but I'm the last one to rub any of it in. My father's net worth is some where in the multi miilions and he could buy pretty much whatever he wants whe he wants, but I never ask him for anything. When we go out to lunch I try and pay for it, but that never really works all the time. My grandfather's family is one of the wealthiest families in the south side. He's got more money then he knows what to do with, but you would never know because he drives to work everyday still in a 98 dodge ram truck and he wears this shoes that have more duct tape holding them together then you could imagine. WHY? My father and grandpa where both extremely poor when they where little. My grandpa came out of the service when he was 22 and had about 500 bucks to his name that he saved up. My father went to school with the same 3 t-shirts and the same 1 pair of pants for his entire four years, but you know what MONEY is not that important in life!!!! Sure you need it to survive and its nice to be able to buy what ever you want, But I want to see you buy true happiness. I bet the one reason your girlfriend really likes you is because of the MONEY! Trust me I know!?!?! When I go out on a date with a girl for the first time I always use my work truck, a 97 chevy pickup with 130K miles on it. Its OK, but its not the L. I don't want a girl that just wants me for my money. sometimes I feel bad about being who I am cause I know there's people in this world that have nothing and would give anything to have a 97 piece of chit work truck like me, but you know what. I'm going to try my hardest to try and make MY money by doing my part at my job. Right now I'm the lowest paid person in my office. I've only been estiamting and managing for 2 years now and I don't yet deserve what the other guys in my office are getting paid but that makes me want to try harder then yesterday. In the two years I have been at this position my co-workers can not believe how fast I have picked up the bidding and managing aspects of this position. When I first started I couldn't bid a 2,000 dollar project without getting freaked out. Now I'm bidding a 11.5 million dollar abatement this week by myself and you know what, I'm scared as hell but I'm also very confident that I can handle this because I've praticed and studied and worked at this for awhile now. There's no better feeling for me in this world right now then to outbid a guy who has been doing this job for 20 years now. I just bid a project up at northwestern and I beat out the second place company buy 60 bucks. But none of that really matters compared to one thing in life, happiness.

I guess I'm just telling you to make sure your happy and to make sure you cover your a$$ cause your dad's and grandpa's company may be huge and great, but all it takes it one mistake to screw it up. This is the wrong time in the world to have such debt, I'm dedicating myself to pay it off and put some in the bank. Do you realize how many HUGE compays have closed there doors because of this economy. Your construction company is at a high risk also also, so watch it. I never realized how much money it took to keep a buisness open for one month. My companies cost to keep the doors open a month if we don't do a damn thing and don't have any labor bills is over $200,000.00. I almost passed out when I heard that. So think one month with no work is a 200K loss right away. That put things in perspective for me, how about you. If your dads construction comapany is that huge I would imagine his monthly cost is allot more then that. And how many project do they have going on right now? At what profit margin too! 10%, 20% maybe 30%. thats with overhead also.

But thats enough from me for now! Just be careful what you have on the line. And don't guy a girl a M5 for a present unless your getting married. I almost lost a very very speacial someone in my life this weekend and I thanks god she's alright because she loves me because of who I really am, not what I'M GOING to own someday!

Old 11-20-2001, 01:37 PM
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Joe - don't worry, I got your back. No one is gonna replace you as leader of the whippersnappers.

Though when you get old enough that may be a different story
Old 11-20-2001, 01:44 PM
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Joe's welcome in the Snappurbanger group anytime...

Just don't wear those damn pants 10 sizes to big, OK?

Old 11-20-2001, 01:56 PM
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Thanks guys

Don't worry though, I'm mostly a structure/express shopper
Old 11-20-2001, 02:05 PM
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2000 navigator:

a 2 million dollar cat! Your picture isn't loading.

Dude we have a PC400 kamatsu excavator and that thing was only 650K brand new with a grapple and a badA$$ shear.

You got pics, I want to see this thing. I love heavy machinery. Its a great feeling being able to cut through a Ibeam the size of a car with no trouble.
Old 11-20-2001, 02:20 PM
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for every whippersnapper and snapperbanger with a little too much money in their pockets, there's a pootietangers out there, waiting to overcharge them for something they "need". this pheomenon is know as the "Yin & Yang of capitalism 101". i fortunately, never experienced this as a snapper or banger, but am becoming proficient at it, as a tanger.
Old 11-20-2001, 02:29 PM
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Originally posted by MRBBQMAN
for every whippersnapper and snapperbanger with a little too much money in their pockets, there's a pootietangers out there, waiting to overcharge them for something they "need". this pheomenon is know as the "Yin & Yang of capitalism 101". i fortunately, never experienced this as a snapper or banger, but am becoming proficient at it, as a tanger.

HAHAHAHA thats what I told my stupid oil friend.
I'll tell everyone that he's the modern day robin hood, he just doesn't know it yet. Now we all call him that when we see him and he has no clue what the hell where talking about.
Old 11-20-2001, 02:32 PM
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I just got a mental picture of Joey driving a $650,000.00 piece of machinery....

Made the hair stand up on my arms.

How fast have you had that kamatsu-thingy up to?
Old 11-20-2001, 02:50 PM
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Try to stay out of debt is the best thing to do. I just got out and what a felling. I toke my payment book and hang it up in front of my computer to let me know to stay out of debt.. I see were some body spent 650,000 on a peace a equimpment. My boss just bought a Wertgen mill for a cool 850,000 dollars. And I am the driver of the beast.
Old 11-20-2001, 02:54 PM
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President of the Scoopdoggiedog's.
Resumes will no longer be accepted for this position, it is tailor-made for you.
As an "old guy" who fought for this country's and YOUR freedom, which allows you to enjoy your families wealth and pi$$ it away for all I care. I would like to congratulate you on a position that is very becoming on you.


Last edited by Redneck Ferrari; 11-20-2001 at 04:39 PM.
Old 11-20-2001, 03:36 PM
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Originally posted by TampaSVT
I just got a mental picture of Joey driving a $650,000.00 piece of machinery....

Made the hair stand up on my arms.

How fast have you had that kamatsu-thingy up to?

they don't move that fast but they can pack one hell of a punch! the first time I ever saw a shear work in real life was down in evansville, IN at the alcoa plant. We did some remediation and demo work and I got to see this shear work for the first time. WOW, I could not believe the beams this thing would just cut without no probelms. I got some pics somewhere and I even got a video of us bringing thr frame of the building down. I'll have to try and find them and post it, Its cool. I don't run the shear very much since Time is money and I'm not that good at it, so the only picture you should imagine is me sitting in there goofing around in it. Which come think of it isn't a very pretty sight! . You can damage allot of stuff very quick when you forget what control does what!
Old 11-20-2001, 04:02 PM
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Well I see it in a way that if you want a new truck go for it. I grew up in an average family yet we had lots of problems. I worked one summer for builder square saving my money. Well when the time the store shut down I had about 3500 well I took that money and another 500 I had and put it towards a down payment. I went looking around for a truck. 90's thru 98's Chevy's Ford's Dodge's. This point you really don't have a choice. Most of the trucks I have seen were to much for what they were worth. I took a Stroll down to "Lonestar Ford" (to bad they can't knock off a few payments) jk, and they had a 97 V6 F-150 Standard Cab Flairside. ( had to put that in there) only had 12,000 miles on it. I bought it in 99-00, it was in excellent shape for a 97. I pull up to school the next week and struting my stuff saying yeah I got this bad a$$ ride. Well it worked for a while and then other people started getting the same kind of truck bigger and better. Mommy and Daddy bought their cars and trucks. Just one thing though they don't have the same respect I do for my truck. It's something I have been paying for I bought with my own moneyand still appreciate more than anything I own. Sorry for going off topic but it's like yes we are young but if we can afford it then yes we deserve whatever we want. If mommy and daddy buy it then let them because your gonna appreciate your ride more then they will theirs.
Old 11-20-2001, 06:29 PM
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ok i was trying to be nice but that didnt work

first off its not a $50,000 expedition it is a NAVIGATOR. and it wasnt i didnt have enough cash to put in the NAVIGATOR i didnt have time to go by exxon with my EXXON card.

much nicer than the expeditions.
The business will be mine and my brothers and i will run it fine because that is all i have done since the age of 12.

I do not live at home.
I live in my own house that my parents paid.
and get this it was $785,000

im sorry but yall have caused me to tell the truth.

i am spoiled. i have no debt. my parents have paid for everything i owened. when i was 16-17 my dad gave me 2 credits cards with a $20,000 limit on each of them. i maxed them out within a year.

i was afraid to tell him so i tried paying it myself till he found out.he told me not to do it again and he paid it off. the balance is always paid in full now.
we have 3 learjets at Olive Branch Municipal Airport.

yeah i am spoiled and maybe its not good to be but i have enough money right now in mutual funds where i could not have to work for the rest of my life and just live extremely opulant on the intrest.

just want to say WORD UP to all the spoiled rich kids no the board that dont have to work for anything.

Keep it up.
Old 11-20-2001, 06:37 PM
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Old 11-20-2001, 06:43 PM
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I rest my case. What a total loser!!!

Get a clue you hypocrit. Stop wasting our time with your mindless unintelligable nonsense.

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