
PSP did it again...... [merged]

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Old 08-11-2002 | 11:15 AM
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Originally posted by Greensnake
Did I miss the boat, or was the subject about how he did try and resolve this and nobody was there to answer the phone. How can you run a business and not answer the phone? I don't care where this person was, or is, business is business, good or bad. If you can't answer the phone, don't have a business phone #.
There is a voice message stating when he would be back in town. What is he suppose to do, carry a damn pager w/ him on his semi-vacation? I'm so sure he'll take care of all issues when he returns. I've got a SMALL SMALL business that's about 1% of what Sal's is and do you think I should be by my phone every friggin minute of the day? What if Sal was in the hospital? Would you have had a different approach then?

It looks as if my prior post has done no good in helping to differentiate anything for some of you. You have no damn idea what it's like on our end! Give Sal till Tuesday, it's NOT going to kill you, and you're NOT going to incur anymore interest on your creditcard so long as it's refunded or disputed. If you don't get what you want dispute the charges and THEN post back here.

, I agree w/ you in that you are owed some money back, and have never not agreed w/ you there. It states $160 on the website, plain and simple. He'll give it back to you, and I'm sure he'll update his website to fix the shipping calculations and whatever else.

The bitching and moaning will never cease...NEVER!

Last edited by BfB; 08-11-2002 at 11:24 AM.
Old 08-11-2002 | 11:20 AM
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Re: Member, Member?

Originally posted by Bill Murray
This is too funny.
After reading the whole thread, I thought to do a search to see when f150Europe or I made the first post congratulating Steve on the number of members. I think we started around 5000 or so.
Reason being was that back then it was all a lot of fun and we were all so excited about our Ls (all 30 or so of us at that time) and trading all sorts of info about modifications.

Anyway, I did not find the member thread but ended up on a thread of July 28, 1999 entitled 99.5 Superchip. That was the week that all of us who ordered one got the first chip that was available for Ls. Amongst other posters on the thread were MRBBQMAN and Wyldman (Chuck Shelton)

The funny part, and it is part of the history of this message board, is I made an innocent request of the band of brothers asking "where is the damned computer located?". I got an immediate answer from the brothers and then about a 3 pager from Mike Troyer regarding how complete the instructions were and if they were wrong to let him know and he just went on and on.

Mike's replies in that time frame were legendary for their length and completeness. dared not criticize Mike or his company or Superchips or you would get a real web lashing.

I love that man and I know he has mellowed out a lot, but it was really fun reading his responses to both innocent and provocative posts. Ask what time it was and you knew how to make a clock after it was over.
I remember that post Bill. Some of us have been around awhile that's for sure. Alot of guys have left though

Last edited by JeffsLightning; 08-11-2002 at 11:30 AM.
Old 08-11-2002 | 11:33 AM
Silver_2000's Avatar
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Re: Re: Member, Member?

Originally posted by JeffsLightning

I remember that post Bill. Some of us have been around awhile that's for sure. Alot of guys have left though
Ahh the good old days... Back then it was the tuners jumping into each others threads and battling each other.....

Old 08-11-2002 | 12:16 PM
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i recently went on vacation for a week, i took my cell phone with the instructions: i will call in once a day, if someone is really upset call me. the holiday inn i stayed at had a computer (down the hall) with internet access so i could check e-mails. i thinking total of 20 minutes out of my day. i had to call 3 people and explain that i was out of town but as soon as i got back i would resolve any problem, they were trilled that i took time out of my day to call and when i got back all 3 said they figured it out or said dont worry about it.
I need a personal life but if I take care of my business life then the personal one is that much sweeter.
38 on shipping depends how it was shipped and what it weighed. you had to now that shipping wasent free. always ask for a total or at least a guesstimate.
Old 08-11-2002 | 12:18 PM
Bill Murray's Avatar
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A trip down memory lane

Jeff's Lightning:

Thanks for the link, what memory trip!!
1. The longer response from Mike was classic Troyer.
2. I had forgotten that Sal used to do the same thing. Must have had a lot more time in those days.
3. In line with the original thrust of this thread, member, member when Sal was without a phone for months?
4. Posted this before, but when Moby went away, she was still running the original Superchiips chip I got in July 1999. I also have a first generation PSP chip that should go with the trucks new owner but I have to find it. It was great too, just a little extreme for a non-quarter miler.
5. Good Lord, the names.......
No offense to the others, these were just ones I knew well.
And, who can ever forget Metallic Blue??
Old 08-11-2002 | 12:21 PM
SVT_KY's Avatar
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Re: PSP did it again......

Aside to Doug ... "yeah, nowadays the members jump each
other and the tuners .... Vast improvement!"

Klutz ....

Originally posted by KlutzEnhiemer
Sal and his less than personable receptionist ...

Since someone has to filter all the calls to these tuners, otherwise
they wouldn't get anything done for talking to us. Since PSP is a
small company, might that "less than personable" receptionist be
Sal's wife ?? I'm sure your gonna get REALLY quick service now !!!
At least you didn't insult his Lightning ... <GRIN>

I woulda thought that the fact that Sal included all the
parts that you needed, even though he charged for them
is a GOOD thing, and shipping charges generally are the
responsibility of the customer. The days of free shipping
even went away from Amazon and others.

Think of it this way. If I get up in the middle of the night
knowing you won't see what I post, and put up some rant
about how you are a total idiot, wouldn't that kinda ****
you off that hundreds of people saw it before you did? Well,
since you KNEW that Sal asn't gonna be back til the 13th,
that's exactly what you did to Sal ...

Jest my $.02 worth
Old 08-11-2002 | 12:33 PM
superfords's Avatar
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Originally posted by Greensnake
Did I miss the boat, or was the subject about how he did try and resolve this and nobody was there to answer the phone. How can you run a business and not answer the phone? I don't care where this person was, or is, business is business, good or bad. If you can't answer the phone, don't have a business phone #.

this is directed at all of the detractors, not you personally Greensnake:

if these small two or three employee companies like JL and PSP hired a new employee everytime someone on this board suggested it, then they'd quickly be larger than MICROSOFT.

How many business that you know of answer the phone 24hrs a day 7days a week and never close and never take any personal or vacation time??? I'll bet that whoever you work for doesn't provide that kind of service, try to relate it to yourself and see how you'd like to live up to the demands that you try to place on these guys.

also I think people here often get the impression that because a tuner is at the track racing (researching and developing new parts and ways to make our trucks faster) that they are out there playing and having a fun time like we are when we see them there, and to a large extent I'm sure they are. But it is also work. Every person who has ever bought a friggin air filter from them constantly running up and expecting immediate "special" service and support like they are old friends.

I am a technician at a Ford Dealership (flame suit on) and once upon a time I got into this line of work because I found it fun and enjoyed it as a hobby building mustangs and old broncos and stuff. well, a full time job can quickly ruin the fun in a hobby, and I'm sure the tuners feel the same way at times after dealing with all of this stuff constanly.

I can only imagine what it would be like if I had to come home from a hard day's work and look at several different web pages practically devoted to allowing my customers to criticize my every move and action. not to mention broadcasting to the world a full report every time I miss a day of work or don't answer the phone on the first ring!

again, these companies are very small and they need to make a profit to stay alive.

If companies like PSP and JL were to go out of business then we'd all be stuck having to shop at JDM!

just kidding.


Last edited by superfords; 08-11-2002 at 12:37 PM.
Old 08-11-2002 | 12:44 PM
JBLsilver01's Avatar
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I haven't been on here that long........but even I remember Metallic Blue.............haha
Old 08-11-2002 | 01:06 PM
thepawn's Avatar
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1) You expected shipping to be free? The shocks are heavy. PSP is a small shop, there are NO LARGE SHIPPING CONTRACTS. Wake up and smell the coffee...have you ever ordered anything mail before? Sheesh. Even will have shipping.

2) It is totally childish that you posted this up before even communicating with the vendor about your issue while knowing he wasn't around.

3) BfB is totally right on the mark about the size of these companies versus their customer response. I have seen first had the volume's of calls that the different vendors get. You would be surprised how only 20,000 vehicles can generated tons of "short lttle 10m questions" DAILY.

4) Every company makes mistakes. TIRERACK just messed up by $800 order, and they HAVE tons of "customer reps". They sent me all the wrong pieces for expanding my SmarTire pressure system.

Old 08-11-2002 | 01:16 PM
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Every person who has ever bought a friggin air filter from them constantly running up and expecting immediate "special" service and support like they are old friends.
Oh man....... I'd bet that is so true.

Is it just me or is this thread running a bit longer than others about certain other tuners? Sal's obviously not around to defend himself and meanwhile, this garbage is just sitting here costing him new customers and money.

I am little more than an air filter customer for PSP. I'm not a great source of income for Sal. However, he has done some very good things for me that were not required of him in any way. He just wanted to help out a fellow lightning owner. Sal is not just good at what he does, he seems to love it. What some of the guys here don't think about, is that Sal is not just a parts warehouse for your new air-filter kit or performance chip. He is an REAL TUNER for the vehicles we love. A very rare animal even in the small community we are a part of.

In answer to the original post...... NO, THIS NOT A REGULAR OCCURANCE WITH PSP! It does happen though, and will again. I don't always get my parts in a hurry from Sal; but, he's always been up front with me and that counts for a lot. He'll take care of this if you give him a chance. Even after you have behaved in this fashion. It's not like we are seeing a glut of posts about PSP and their constant lying to customers. It's just not a big problem there.

Old 08-11-2002 | 01:47 PM
Bill Murray's Avatar
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Aw. what the Hell, why not?

Klutzenheimer (SP?)

First let me sort of apologize for all of us oldertimers jumping into the middle of your problem and sort of marginalizing it.

Let me approach it this way from my perspective. As someone said above, there are ~30K Lightnings out there somewhere. Not a lot in 4.5 years, they make way more Corvettes than that every year. It would follow, and does, that you can most likely count the number of legitimate and good Lightning tuners on not more than the fingers of both hands. Further, the vast majority of them are enthusiasts who got into business for us, yes for us, not businessmen who got into the enthusiast market.

I have experience with several of the tuners/suppliers and none are perfect. In fact from a business model point of view, some of them are pretty awful. Awesome product but lousy service if, and others have pointed this out, you compare their service model to major corporations. But again, they are rare people with rare skills. Sort of like your wife's or gf's hairdresser. They usually hate them but they will follow them from shop to shop all over town if they are good because there are so few good ones.

I am in no way apologizing for the warts and bumps that Sal and others may have in their customer service, but of the ones who regularly supply goods on this board, I have never heard of one who was blatantly dishonest or who deliberately failed to make a customer happy if the bitch was legitimate.

Lightning owners tend to be very **** about their vehicles and getting modifications for them (check out the General thread for comments sometimes). I was one of them and may well again be if that twin supercharger 500 hp monster in 03 is not someone's pipe dream. Most of us older/original 99 model owners got over that pretty quickly as we realized modding a Lightning is very different than modding a 350 chevvy or a Mustang.

It's not my place really to suggest you lighten up a bit, I understand your frustration. But, I hope some of the above helps you understand how this works.

And, if you think you got problems, feel for me brother in my quest for modified parts for my Blackwood. "You have a what??" is the most often heard response. "Do you mean a Brookwood like a Chevy Brookwood?". Drives me to drink, and all I can find is window shades, bug shields and running board thingies that fit SuperCrews.

To close on a happy note, in reading those old threads I had to chuckle at we early owners insisting on calling our 99 Ls 99.5s.
In the days when Stever had serious bandwidth problems I bet he hated having to read the Lightning boards. 10,000 posts with that extra .5 in them.
Cheers Bill
Old 08-11-2002 | 02:00 PM
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I know this is going to go over like a lead ballon BUT

This issue is covered... I dont like the continued bashing on anyone who isnt here to defend themselves....

So.....I am going to CLOSE this UNTIL the 13th when Sal gets back.... Someone remind me and Ill reopen it then.
I think you will agree that is fair.....

Old 08-12-2002 | 11:37 AM
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Scott, you were told when you called that we did not have the shocks in stock and had to order them. I sent them as soon as they came in as promised. The website lists the shocks for $160 for the set of 4. It had recently been brought to my attention that you cannot re-use the 99-00 rear shock nuts, and my customers were having to buy the new ones on their own. You were the next person to order the shocks since I was made aware of this, so I thought I would do the right thing and supplly the correct nuts with the shocks so that you didn't have to get them. I am sorry if this upset you. You are more than welcome to send the nuts back. I will refund you the $20 I charged you, and then you can go out and buy them yourself at $14 each. As for the shipping, I don't even know what to say about that one. To assume that shipping is "free" is just absurd. Shocks are not light, and shipping from across the country from NY to OR is not cheap. I shipped the parts Priority Mail, because it's a 2-3 day service for just slightly more than the price of UPS ground. Just because the site doesn't quote shipping, is no reason to assume there is none. As for your previous order, if it was also a web order, you would have not gotten a shipping quote on that either. The only way you would get a shipping quote is if you called and asked, then I would have estimated the weight and given you a quote based on weight vs your zip code.

I apologize if my trying to do the right thing has upset you. I will never be able to please every customer. All I can do is try my best. I've learned that some people cannot be pleased no matter how hard you try.
Old 08-12-2002 | 12:35 PM
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Just to clarify, Sal, this is what appeared on my order:
Customer Confirmation of Sale
Order Number: xxx
Order amount: $200.00
ShippingCost: $0.00
Shipping Method: USPS 2-3 day Priority
Tax: $0.00
Handling: $0.00

It explicity stated that shipping was $0.00. However, when I saw the charge on my credit card, shipping costs had been added. FWIW, I didn't mind at; I just assumed it was a website glitch. But I can certainly see where Scott is coming from if his order confimation looked like mine. Keep up the good work, Sal.

Old 08-12-2002 | 12:38 PM
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Ed, thanks for posting that. Since I obviously don't order parts from myself, I've never noticed that before. I will have to get my web guy to fix that somehow. Your post was a nice simple way to point that out, without any whining or bashing. Thank you.

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