2003 supercrew problem
2003 supercrew problem
forgive me for writing in this forum it is read by many and I need some advice. When I am out in my truck and I am craling hills and rocks the 4 wheel drive seems to work fine and it seems to get the job done. Today I got into a stcky situation in the mudd and I had to put it in 4 low and nothing happened. THe front wheels wont spin but I can feel it ingage. I jsut replaced the vacum so I thought that would make it work but now it seems to be doing it again has this happened to anyone and is there any advice out there that can help me?
Originally Posted by treat6238
forgive me for writing in this forum it is read by many and I need some advice. When I am out in my truck and I am craling hills and rocks the 4 wheel drive seems to work fine and it seems to get the job done. Today I got into a stcky situation in the mudd and I had to put it in 4 low and nothing happened. THe front wheels wont spin but I can feel it ingage. I jsut replaced the vacum so I thought that would make it work but now it seems to be doing it again has this happened to anyone and is there any advice out there that can help me?